
Qt Maemo resources screwed up in Scratchbox 1 for the armel target

When I compile my Qt Maemo application in Scratchbox 1, all of the image resources appear completely messed up and corrupted, and the program runs extremely slow. This only happens for the armel target, and works fine in i386. I also get these errors at the console: X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9 Major op...

How to start Qt development on Windows, but targeting Maemo 5?

Hello Everyone, I've recently heard about Qt and read about how fun it is to develop with. By the way, I'm also buying a Nokia N900 and I heard that its operating system, Maemo 5, supports Qt quite nicely, so I thought I'll give it a shot. I'm a .NET developer, so I'd prefer to develop on Windows, and if it is possible, using Visual St...

Python + QT + Gstreamer

Hi everyone, I'm working with PyQt and trying to get video from a webcam to play within a QT widget. I've found tutorials for C and Qt, and for python and gtk, but NOTHING for this combo of pyQt and gstreamer. Anybody get this working? This plays the video fine, but in a separate window: self.gcam = gst.parse_launch('v4l2src devic...

What Gotchas When Learning C++, If I came from PHP/Java?

Hi, I need to learn C++ in order to learn building Nokia WRT and or maemo application. I need to know what gotchas and what aspect of C++ that I need/have to learn or focus more. One thing I got in my mind is that C++ doesn't have garbage collector. Therefor, I need to focus on variable type. But, is there any others that really importa...

What is the purpose of the garbage (files) that Qt Creator auto-generates and how can I tame them?

Hello Everyone, I'm fairly new to Qt, and I'm using the new Nokia Qt SDK beta and I'm working to develop a small application for my Nokia N900 in my free time. Fortunately, I was able to set up everything correctly, and also to run my app on the device. I've learned C++ in school, so I thought it won't be so difficult. I use Qt Creator...

How do I use foreach with QDomNodeList in Qt?

Hi Everyone, I'm new to Qt and I'm learning something new every day. Currently, I'm developing a small application for my Nokia N900 in my free time. Everything is fine, I am able to compile and run Maemo applications on the device. I've just learned about the foreach keyword in Qt. (I know it is not in C++, so I didn't think about it ...