
Qt stylesheets; color fading, 2D gradient and CSS classes

I'm having some questions about Qt's stylesheet functionality. It's really great, but it feels like the feature isn't around for too long yet, true? It's by far the easiest way to style my GUI though. Is it possible to add color fading in the stylesheets? Whenever the mouse hovers over a certain widget, I don't want it abruptly changin...

QSharedPointer Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap

I have a program that makes heavy use of QShared Pointer. When I execute my program it runs fine, but when I debug it with GDB it starts throwing errors. "Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap" is thrown in the following code: QSharedPointer<PersistentList> p = PersistentList::createEx(wrap("abc")).dynamicCast<PersistentList>(); QS...

QT Dependency Visualizer

I have a lot of classes which interact with other classes through signal&slot mechanism, composition, inheratance etc. I wonder, is there any tool which visualizes(such as:UML-like diagrams) dependencies between classes in source code especially for QT based codes? Thanks. ...

Right alignment for table cell in pyqt

I have QStandardItemModel and QTableView. I want to have the number align to the right. How can i specify this in pyqt? Now i have it like this (see ID) http://simple-database-explorer.googlecode.com/files/Main2.jpg Working example: self.model.setData(self.model.index(i, j, QtCore.QModelIndex()), value, role=0) if isNumber(value): ...

QT - Navigation Control

Hi, Is there any navigation control in QT like iPhone? is it possible to develop ? Please help me. ...

What is QTcpSocket's behaviour when the network is overloaded?

I have a QTcpSocket in a seperate thread sending a lot of data. Several of these applications are spread out over the network. How can I detect whether my network is overloaded and my socket is not able to send anything anymore? Will QTcpSocket buffer all data, how can I see the size of my buffered data that is queueing to be sent? Will...

Using mscomm ActiveX with Qt (solved)

Hello. I know this question may seem odd due to new existing alternatives, but trust me there's a reason. I would like to use the mscomm active X control to communicate through serial port with Qt. Yes, I know there's QextSerialPort, QSerialDevice and a lot of examples about how to write serial communication code. But due a problems I...

How to visualize model data in different ways in QTableView?

I have a model containing in one column floats (ex: 22.7). Now, I want that in QTableView, it will be visualized together with the unit (MB): 22.7 MB. The reason I am doing so is because I want that sorting is based on floats, but the visualization is as I said with units. I created a Model, a Filter and a View. But it does not work. H...

Add a node to an existing XML document

Hi everybody, I am working on a small programm written in C++ using the QT Framework (v. 4.7). The task I want to accomplish is opening an existing xml-document, add a node within its structure and save the document to the file I read it from before. I have tried this using something like that: QFile xmlIn(AFileName); QDomDocument do...

Problem with % n *** %n in writable segment detected *** C++ i Qt

Problem with % n * %n in writable segment detected * C++ i Qt I have program that process big data, that can't be modified. In one file we encounter "100% na" and application stop. When I checked it with debuger, it return * %n in writable segment detected *. I can't change visible that data, user must see "100% na". I thought of in...

QTimer timeout problems with QEventLoop and QNAM

Hi, I have created my own HTTP class that utilizes QNAM and provides means for sending HTTP requests. It uses QEventLoop for synchronization and QTimer for timeouts. I'm facing few problems with my solution. On certain Symbian platforms my QTimer signals timeout too fast (e.g. like after 1 sec when timeout is 30 secs). This happends us...

Qt QCompleter multiple matches

I am trying to make QCompleter match several equivalent options which are separated with commas. There seemingly is no easy way to do that, but one line of QCompleter reference caught my attention, describing function QCompleter::splitPath: "When used with list models, the first item in the returned list is used for matching." Could this...

Building Qt 4.7 Windows Mobile 6 ARM

I'm trying to build QT for CE6 using the VS2008 compiler with the Mobile 6 SDK ARM tools. I'm following the instructions on the Qt site in regards to include locations and my directories seem to match exactly with the exception that I'm on Windows 7, so the program files directory has(x86) inside of it. Include dirs are C:\Program File...

Reorder widgets in Qt

Hi, I would like to have suggestions as to how to use Qt to implement the following: I have multiple identical widgets that I want to display once at a time. I know that QToolbox exists, but the problem is the following: I need to change the order in which the tabs or buttons appears (see image): The widget that is set to an index ...

Problem with adding time to QTime and QDateTime in Qt.

I can't get time adding functions to work. I'm using Qt4. Here is the code snippet, which produces two identical times instead of 100s different. void main() { QTextStream out (stdout); QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); out << t.toString("hh:mm:ss") << " -> "; t.addSecs(100); out << t.toString("hh:mm:ss"); } ...

QT Navigation and Webservice.

Hi, I am developing the apps using Nokia QT SDK. I have some doubts. Please help me. 1) In project , I have to call the webservice before UI rendering. because the UI is based on the webservice result. How to do in the QT? 2) In project , I have two screens. I want to move the screen from one to two and two to one. How to do this on...

Formatting data in a QTableView

Hello everyone, I'm using a custom delegate to display QDoubleSpinBoxes in a QTableView. Those spinboxes display their contents with two decimals. My problem is that I would like the QTableView to also display those numbers with two decimals while they are not being edited (at which point they are not in a QDoubleSpinBox). Or, rather,...

Is input methods pervert QLineEdit from receiving KeyPressEvent?

I send this bug to Qt team: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-13726 and here is the description: QLineEdit/QTextEdit doesn't receive keyPressEvent on N97 I have a custom widget which inherits from QLinedEdit, in this widget I override event(QEvent * event), keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) and keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event )...

updating a QGraphicsTextItem on text change

I’ve been working with QGraphicsTextItems. I currently have the laid out in a scene, each depicting a physical page of text. Right now I’m overriding the keyReleaseEvent function to redistribute the text typed across all of the pages. The problem with this is that when I set the text with setPlainText, the cursor moves back to the beginn...

How can I use the Windows SDK with Qt Creator

I have been trying to use the Windows SDK v7.1 in Qt Creator without much luck. Specifically, how can I set up Qt Creator so that it will compile the SDK samples in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Samples? ...