
PyQt4 QDialog -- require field to not be blank

OK, this is driving me nuts. I'm sure it is trivial, but I've been looking for the answer for a while and don't see it. I'm sure it will be a flat forehead. I'm designing a Qt4 dialog in Python. I generated the code via QDesigner, and have 4 inputs on the system: QLineEdit (can't be blank) QPlainTextEdit QLineEdit (can't be blank...

Minimizing Mfc application with open Qt dialog

Hello I am using QtWinMigrate solution to show dialogs from my plugin dlls that are loaded in third party Mfc application. The problem is the following : When I minimize the main window of my Mfc application, and when I restore it back again, all of my open Qt dialogs are lost. I found out that actually my Qt dialogs are destroyed i.e...

QT 4.5 - having problems to get a modal dialog to be modal. What are some pitfalls to be careful about?

So I have a modal dialog: class GraphChooser : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: GraphChooser(QWidget * parent = 0); virtual ~GraphChooser(); void addGraphItem(QString factoryKey, QString graphDescription); public slots: void graphConfirmed(void); void showDialog(void) { exec(); }; private: QMap<QString, QStr...

Qt4 modular synth editing widget

Hi, I'm about to start writing a GUI for a modular synthesis app (like Alsa Modular Synth, Pure Data, Ingen) that will be used for patch (sound) editing. What I need to do is something like this: So, basically, it's an area where I can draw some rectangles (boxes) that represent synth modules with input and output ports that I ca...

How to format/change qmake build output

Hello, how can I format the make output (!!by only changing the qmake project file!!). My compilation lines continue growing, and the one-line-warnings/errors almost disappear between them. I am thinking of something like $(CC) in.ext -o out.ext thanks in regard ...

QTabWidget tab context menu

I need to display a context menu whenever a tab is clicked on and it needs to react to that specific tab. Is there any way to do this without subclassing it? ...

How different is Qt4 from Qt3?

I used to program in Qt3 a long time ago and I had read a great book that I still have by O'reilly on Qt3. I wanted to start using Qt4 again now several years later. Can I use my Qt3 book to get up to speed again, or has things changed so much that I should buy a Qt4 book? ...

library not found for -lrt with QtCreator [mac os]

hello, i'm getting some troubles with QT it builds with option "-lrt" i'm using mac os 10.6 with QT creator 1.2.1, heeeeeeelp ! this is the full build command : g++ -headerpad_max_install_names -o AMiningCoreTest main.o tokenizer.o DictionnaryToolBox.o mysql.o btree.o BTreeDataTable.o tcaccess.o -L/Library/Frameworks -L/...

what is use of makefile ?

what is the purpose of makefile, .pro file . ...

Loading Qt plugins when linking to Qt statically?

Hi, I'm trying to use SVG graphics in QIcons. I have a static library that contains all my graphics resources, and a method in that static library that returns QIcons pre-loaded with the correct graphics. I'm trying to do this: QIcon icon(":/icons/find.svg"); I have verified that that resources has been loaded by listing it with QDir...

Accessing to QTabBar instance

Hi folks, How I can acquire access to QTabBar of QTabWidget ? Through searching in docs and internet, I've found only solution: subclassing QTabWidget, and in some way giving public access to QTabBar instance (QTabWidget::getTabBar() has "protected" access modifier). Is there any other solution ? ...

Deleting 'QNetworkReply *' returned by QNetworkAccessManager::post

QNetworkAccessManager::post function returns network reply object, is caller required to delete this or network access manger will take care of deleting it.? ...

Autocompletion with qcompleter for fragments in the middle of a word

Is there an example available of a QCompleter subclass that will provide autocompletions for fragments that appear in the middle of words? eg: Suppose you have the wordlist { "apple", "pear", "banana" }. When the user types 'p', the suggested autocompletions should be apple and pear, but not banana (because apple and pear both contai...

How to control the position of QDialog

Hello Is there any easy way to open the qt dialogs in the same position as they were the last time the application was open ? i.e preserve position of dialogs between application sessions ? Under easy way I understand not to have manually write the window position in file ,and then read :) Thanks ...

time table / datebook as in Sunbird for Qt?

I would like to implement a calendar in my Qt-based program as it is already implement in Mozilla Sunbird (different colors and categories are important). Is there any "simple" possibility to realize that or do I have to create it all by myself, beginning at zero? Is there a good tutorial to create such a calendar with standards, so tha...

Extracting basic info from animation file

I'm writing an application that handles metadata for images and all kinds of animations, so I'm looking for a way to find basic info about an animation file, e.g: length (in minutes/seconds/frames) aspect ratio of pixels resolution of individual frames framerate Right now, I let my program execute mplayer -identify animfile.avi an...

Qt cursor flickers, when it's over an InkCollector

I am writing a drawing program using PyQt4 for Windows 7. When my program is in "Drawing" mode, I use a InkCollector COM object to collect the ink strokes. When the tablet stylus is pressed down, the InkCollector object supresses the cursor and only shows a writing tip. When the stylus is hovering, I see the normal cursor and it flickers...

In Qt4 is there a way to know from inside a widget if the focus has been lost ?

Hi, I am trying to design a couple of simple widgets in order to get a better knowledge of Qt 4. (This is my first attempt at desktop programming - coming from a background of web development) One of these widgets is formed from a label, and a tool window which pops up when the label is clicked. My question is related to a method for ...

Deleting QWinWidget

Hello I am using mfc to Qt migration and I am showing Qt dialogs in my Mfc app. Is it Ok to deleteLater QWinWidget in its winEvent handler? The thing is that I want all of my open Qt dialogs in My Mfc application to be automatically deleted when the main mfc window is closed. Since WM_DESTROY will be sent for all child windows ( and th...

QT4 incomplete getting website content

I'm trying to write a small test using QHttp to get an URL and return its content. The program ran fine, but it has some problem. With this link http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ztyniqhd4lb ( or some random MF link ), my program cannot load all its content. With some workaround, I found that all the SIGNAL before the done(bool) ...