
Qt: What unit-testing framework?

I am just starting up a new project that needs some cross-platform GUI, and we have chosen Qt as the GUI-framework. We need a unit-testing framework, too. Until about a year ago we used an in-house developed unit-testing framework for C++-projects, but we are now transitioning to using Google Test for new projects. Anyone have any expe...

Help understanding QTest tutorials

In the tutorials for QTestLib, there are references to the files "testgui.moc" and "testqstring.moc" (one example can be found here: http://www.englishbreakfastnetwork.org/coverage/build/qt-copy/examples/qtestlib/tutorial3/.moc/debug-shared/testgui.moc). These include several pieces of information required to configure the tests. Unfor...

QTestLib: Undocumented command line argument -chart

In Qt 4.6 QTestLib supports the command-line argument "-chart" (but this is undocumented). A report.html is created, however neither Firefox 3.6 nor IE8 are able to display anything but the headline "Test". When I look into the html-file it has some JavaScript stuff and test results, so there should be something to display. As -chart i...

Qtestlib: QNetworkRequest not executed

I would like to test an asynchronous request to a webserver. For that purpose I'm creating a simple unittest to quickly try a few lines of code: void AsynchronousCall::testGet() { QNetworkAccessManager *nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); QUrl url("http://myownhttpserver.org"); QNetworkRequest req(url); this->conn...

Unit Testing in QTestLib - running single test / tests in class / all tests

I'm just starting to use QTestLib. I have gone through the manual and tutorial. Although I understand how to create tests, I'm just not getting how to make those tests convenient to run. My unit test background is NUnit and MSTest. In those environments, it was trivial (using a GUI, at least) to alternate between running a single test, o...

How to use QCOMPARE Macro to compare events

Hi, I have MyWindow class which popus a blank window, which accepts a mouse click, I need to unit test the mouse click event Code snippet: void TestGui::testGUI_data() { QTest::addColumn<QTestEventList>("events"); QTest::addColumn<QTestEventList>("expected"); Mywindow mywindow; QSize editWidgetSize = mywindow.size(); QPoint clickPoin...

QT Qtestlib, Unit Test

Hi, If I were to create a unit test for class implementation using QTestlib ( trying to figure it out) how would I do it. (I know unit testing for the simple class below can be done other simple way I trying to understand QTestlib framework and whether its really what I want) Consider a simple class ( just to make things really clear )...

Qtestlib log window

I link my program against the qtestlib and include QTest. But then I get a log-window which prompts all the qDebugs, when the application starts even if I set the configuration to release or debug. Is it possible to include QTest without opening a log-window on application start? I need some functionality of QTest in my program. Note t...