
QtWebkit and QWebElement - Get user input?

Hi, how can i get the userinput in an input-field? QObject::connect( webView, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(slotLoadStarted()) ); void slotLoadStarted() { QWebFrame *frame = webView->page()->currentFrame(); if (frame!=NULL) { QWebElementCollection collection = frame->findAllElements("input[name=email]"); fore...

PyQt4.QtWebKit: QWebPage QWebView set timeout when load stop

Is there any way to say to a QWebPage or to a QWebView stop loading page if some sort of timeout is exceeded? Sultan ...

PyQtWebkit and java script

Hello, I have a page with js. I need get dom after js execute at webpage. Js inserts text in the div with name 'sdl'. I need get value between . Value can not be parsed in js source, it is generated by Js. How to do it? Sorry for my english. ...

Enabling JavaScript in QWebKit 4.7 over Symbian

I am trying to build a Symbian (S60 5th ed.) application with Qt 4.7.0. My application contains a QWebView widget. In Qt 4.6.3 the web view was running JavaScript perfectly. However, once I upgraded to 4.7.0, JavaScript is no longer working, not even in the "anomaly" browser demo. I've tried to set JavaScript explicitly, but in vain. ...

Caching external javascript for a QtWebkit widget in a PyQt app

I have a QWebView in my app which renders a html page stored in the app as a Qresource. This page, however requires meaty external Javascript libraries such as MathJax, which I would want to include as a resource due to its size. My problem is that it seems that QtWebkit does not cache these files as a regular browser would do, and eve...

Writing web forms filler/submitter with QT C++

Hello! I'm scratching my head on how to accomplish the following task: I need to write a simple web forms filler/submitter with QT C++, it does the following: 1) Loads page url 2) Fills in form fields 3) Submits the form Sounds easy, but I'm a web developer and can't find the way how to make QT accomplish the task, I only managed to l...

<video> tag not working inside QtWebkit on windows

I can't seem to get an html video tag to play in QtWebkit. It shows up as a blue square with a question mark, like an unsupported plugin. Flash videos play fine, and HTML5 canvas works great. Specs: OS: Windows 7 Qt: 4.6.3 (installed from the qt creator 2.0.1 from nokia's site) PySide: 0.4 (latest) QtWebit configuration (I tried all...

One QWebView -> Many QWebPage

How is it possible to handle "Open link in new window" to open a new QWebPage instead of new window, saving the previous QWebPage in a stack and show the new one with QWebView::setPage()? I'm new to Qt (and even C++), recommendation on how to fix the stack is also appreciated. ...

QT: Pause function flow till QWebView SIGNAL is completed

Hello! I'm a mostly webdeveloper, so my question can be somekind of a beginners. I'm writing a function which works with QWebView content, some kind of a macro script which makes action on loaded web page. code is something like that: somefunction() { QWebView *webView; webView->load(QUrl("http://www.google.com")); <...> here I want...

How to force WebKit (in QtWebView) to use actual windows for HTML elements?

There is windowful video playing plugin (with gstreamer inside). I want things to be placed atop of it. Can WebKit be forced to use real windows for non-embeds? Can in control their z-order? Currently even if I intersect two windowful embeds they get random z-order disregarding my "z-index" CSS property. ...