
asp:QueryStringParameter and empty query string parameter

I haveasp:GridView displaying client requests using asp:SqlDataSource. I want to limit displayed information by client: View.aspx has to display everything, View.aspx?client=1 has to display only requests from client ID #1. So I'm using <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" /> for query "EXEC getRequests @c...

I have a url in the format www.abc.com/mypage#yourId=ASDF2345. How to read the value of yourid using c#

In my application i have a url in the format www.abc.com/mypage#yourId=ASDF2345. How can i read back the value of yourId parameter from the Request object in asp.net , c# ? If it would have been www.abc.com/mypage?yourId=ASDF2345, then i would have got this from the QueryString collection in the Request object. But there is a # be...

How to pass javascript variables from one html page to other html page

I have the following code to pass variable from example1.html to example2.html , what will be the syntax in window.location.href to navigate to example2.html with username and keyword. example1.html <script type="text/javascript"> var username = ($("#username").val()); var keyword = ($("#keyword").val()); $("#button1").cli...

WCF REST : Case insensitive Query String Parameters, suggested naming convention - use underscore or ???

Hi there, It appears the query string parameters you can pass to a rest method in WCF REST is case insesitive - actually this makes sense. What the best naming convention for parameters with 2 words, using an _ (underscore) ?? I never liked this, i prefered to use camelCasing but if its insensitive what other options to do i have? for...

pass querystring value to open relevant jquery tab on naext page

i have a link on page 1 with querystring href="page2.html?selected=1". What i want is when i click on this link on page 1 then it should navigate to page 2.html and use this querystring value to open particular jquery tab(using jquery tabs)?? Function is as follows: $(function selectTab(indexId){ var activeTab = location.href; ...