
Radlistbox text not rendering when updated

I have the following javascript that is being called in the OnClientReordered event. I am trying to change the text of the items in the list when they are reordered. What I am seeing is the item does not update the first time the event fires. The second time the event fires the text gets rendered correctly. (The text is being changed pro...

How do you pass an argument in Telerik's RadListBox OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event?

How do you pass an argument in Telerik's RadListBox OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event? It seems the method you call with this event is <script type="text/javascript"> someMethod(sender, eventArgs) { var ajaxManager = $find("<%= RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page).ClientID %>"); if (ajaxManager != null) ajaxManager.ajaxRequest("Lis...