
How to call ActiveSupport method inside rake task?

This is what I'm trying: require "active_support" desc "test" task :foo => [:environment] do parse(:categories) do |hash| # cleanup name hash[:name] = titlecase(hash[:name]) # ... end end This is the error I'm getting: undefined method `titlecase' main:Object I've also tried: ActiveSupport::Inflector::titlecase...

Is there a way to run a rake task without running the prerequisites?

Is there a command line switch I'm missing? At the moment I'm having to do this: #task :install => :build do task :install do end ...

How I can call specified first app's rake task from second one.

How can I call specified 1st app's rake task from second one. Case: User on baseapp.com (RoR), fills up the reg.form BaseApp validates and stores data Than, with delayed_job/resque I should call subapp's rake db:bootstrap FORM_PARAM1 FORM_PARAM2 ... FORM_PARAM3 ...

runing rake task

Hi! Why when i run task : my_project> rake import:twitter Task.path: lib/task/import_twitter.rake namespace :import do task :twitter => :environment do puts "importing...." end end then tests also run? In the console output: importing.... Loaded suite C:/Ruby/bin/rake Started Finished in 0.001 secon...

How to ensure a rake task only running a process at a time

I use crontab to invoke rake task at some time for example: every 3 hour I want to ensure that when crontab ready to execute the rake task it can check the rake task is running. if it is so don't execute. how to do this. thanks. ...

rails3: rake task failing because blank? method cannot be found

Hi there, I have a rake task that I created to populate my database with fake data. One of my models has a before_validation callback method which uses the blank? method. When I run my rake task, the task is aborted with the following message: rake aborted! undefined method `blank' for #<BigDecimal:101848c10,'0.35E2',9(18)> ...