
Rake 0.8.7 and ActiveSupport 3.0.1

Hello guys, I am running Ruby 1.9.2. I have rake 0.8.7 installed. However running rake inside a Rails application gives me the following: (in /usr/home/users/dimitar/Rails/spek) Could not find activesupport-3.0.1 in any of the sources Try running `bundle install`. So I go ahead and run bundle install again and everything looks good: ...

When you run db:seed, where is the script that inserts seed data into the db?

When you run db:seed, where is the script that inserts seed data into the db? ...

Why is rake db:migrate:reset not listed in rake -T?

Why are some rake tasks not listed by rake -T? Like db:migrate:reset? I can execute it without a problem, but why is it not listed there? Is there a way to get a real full list of rake tasks? % rake -T (in /home/zeus/projects/my_project) rake about # List versions of all Rails frameworks and the environment rake db:create ...

Heroku rake db:migrate fails - Missing tasks/rails

I am just diving into Heroku and have hit a bit of a snag. Whenever I attempt to create my database I am getting the following error. $ heroku rake db:migrate rake aborted! no such file to load -- tasks/rails /disk1/home/slugs/274236_54c3556_0822-55414a07-d565-459a-9412-67cc0e995790/mnt/Rakefile:10:in `require' (See full trace by ru...

Rail 3: ActiveRecord plugin methods not available from rake

I am using the import_with_load_data_in_file plugin to load large amounts of data quickly. It works fine in console. However, when calling it from a Rake task, I get: undefined method `import_with_load_data_in_file' for #<Class:0x1038cd9e0> That doesn't really make any sense. The plugin is installed, it's included in the model, and ...

portable ruby 1.9.2

Hi, I tried to make a portable(small sized) Ruby(1.9.2) that I can save in my repository, so whenever developer checked out the source code, they can build the code with Rake without having Ruby installed. AllInOneRuby works with Ruby version 1.8.7, but doesn't work with ver 1.9.2. from the comment at running-ruby-and-rake-and-albacore...

Is it possible to run a Ruby project via Rake?

I've got a Ruby project started with NetBeans, so the Rake file has been generated. Is there a way that I can run the project over the command line? It runs fine when I use F6 through NetBeans, as does my automated test suite with Alt+F6. I'm essentially looking for something like... $ rake run Does this exist? ...

In Rails 2.x, what is the difference between "rake gems:unpack" and "rake gems:freeze"?

It seems that both methods can freeze a gem into the vendor directory, but rake gems:unpack requires the gem to be listed in config/environment.rb as config.gem '<name of the gem>' before the rake is done. On the other hand, rake gems:freeze requires installing the gem gemsonrails first, and uses the syntax rake gems:freeze GEM=haml and...

How to install mysql on a new machine for an old app ?

Not exactly sure how to go about this. My app's database.yml development: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 reconnect: false database: application-dev pool: 5 username: root password: angles123 socket: /tmp/mysql.sock I was thinking that it would be wise to go ahead and mysqladmin -u root --password=angles123, and then on...

How to ensure a rake task only running a process at a time

I use crontab to invoke rake task at some time for example: every 3 hour I want to ensure that when crontab ready to execute the rake task it can check the rake task is running. if it is so don't execute. how to do this. thanks. ...

Can a task be dependent on file changes instead of another task?

I understand that the file task is executed dependent on some list of monitored files: file "file_to_edit" => ["a","b"] do do_x_here sh "echo 'a or b changed' >> file_to_edit" end So in this case, if a or b change, then do_x_here is executed as is the sh command. However, I have a situation where the same file would be changed wi...

Is there a way to make "rake routes" look better?

I am always forced to make my terminal window two dual monitors wide just to see read them right. I'm not a stickler for buttery GUI's, but this is bordering retarded. Is there a pretty print for this command? ...

Clean up task when combining multiple tasks in Rake

I have a build task in rake defined with the following dependencies: desc 'Builds the App' task :rebuild_dev => ["solr:start", "db:drop", "db:create", "db:migrate", "spec", "solr:stop"] The first task "solr:start" starts the Solr Indexing server. Now, if the build fails (may be in spec tests fail), the "solr:stop" task is not executed...

How can I get an ordered list of middleware in use in a generic rack application?

The functionality I am looking for is similar to the rake middleware command in Rails, except for a generic rack application. ...

For Rails, "rake doc:guides" generate Rails Guide for 2.2.2 and 3.0.1 but not 2.3.8 or 2.3.10?

I didn't know that the old Rails guide is available by cd railsproject_folder rake doc:guides cd doc/guides and since our project has been using Rails 2.2.2, so the Rails guides for Rails 2.2.2 can be seen there, because the official Rails guide on web is for Rail 3.0. I tried that with Rails 3.0.1, and it works too. With Rails 2.2....

Use Something like Rails Generator for PHP Development

I want to create a command line based tool for PHP Development. It should do something quite similar based on what the rails generator does as well as integrate with rake, as the rake tasks for the DB should also be available. Or is there a ruby framework that allows to build such generators? ...

Rails DB Migration - How To Drop a Table?

I added a table that I thought I was going to need, but now no longer plan on using it. How should I remove that table? I've already ran migrations, so the table is in my database. I figure rails generate migration should be able to handle this, but I haven't figured out how yet. I've tried rails generate migration drop_tablename, but ...

Deploy Gollum wiki to Heroku

Gollum is "A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend." It's hosted on GitHub: http://github.com/github/gollum It seems to be a simple Sinatra app, and as such, it seems like it should be easy to deploy to Heroku. I can't seem to get it to work. Mostly because I know next to nothing about Rake and config.ru files...

Ruby not selecting correct overloaded method...

Hey, Ive got a simple Nunit runner for a rake script i have: module NUnitRunner @NUnitPath = "#{RootDir}/tools/nunit/nunit-console.exe"; def self.RunTests(testFile) system("\"#{@NUnitPath}\" ? \"#{testFile}\"") end def self.RunTests(testFile, runArgs) system("\"#{@NUnitPath}\" ? \"#{testFile}\" #{runA...

Rake gem not found issue

I am running ROR 3.0.1 with Ruby 1.9.2p0 on a Mac Mini with Snow Leopard 10.6.4. when I run rake db:migrate I get the following error /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems.rb:340:in bin_path': can't find executable rake for rake-0.8.7 (Gem::Exception) from /usr/local/bin/rake:19:in' I have uninstalled and reinstalled rake but I still ge...