
Bash Script to Extract split archive files using rar

Here's what I want to do: I have thousand of split rar archives on folder name Archives. Name of the files 0001.part1.rar 0002.part2.rar 0003.part3.rar etc. read 0001.part1.rar create a directory based on prefix of the file above e.g. 0001 move all files with the same prefix on the directory created above. Extract the files within ...

Are there any free rar decompression implementations available for the android?

I think the answer is going to be no, since the only question on the matter on SO is about memory requirement. However, before I go porting unrar to the android, I'd like to know if someone has done it already. ...

How to unrar/unzip with Objective-C, including single file retrieval

I have a need to handle various rar/zip files, in Objective-C. Ideally I'd like to be as flexible as possible in terms of rar/zip versions. I'd also like to be able to only extract certain files from the rar/zip files, after pulling out a list of the file contents. If that wasn't enough, I'd like to be able to access and modify the zip ...

How to compile/include unrarsrc in an objective-c project?

I'm trying to replicate the unrar functionality in this project: http://github.com/tarasis/QuietUnrar But having trouble. I have copied the relevant files (/libunrar/,QuietUnrarAppDelegate.) into my project so I can turn QuietUnrarAppDelegate into a more generalised Unrar class, and immediately I run into problems. All the source files...