
Antialiasing alternatives

I've seen antialiasing on Windows using GDI+, Java and also that provided by Photoshop and Gimp. Are there any other libraries out there which provide antialiasing facility without depending on support from the host OS? ...

Checking if vector object will be visible on print with given dpi and print size

Hi, I have file (*.shp used in GIS) that contains collection of polygons and maybe other vector objects (but polygons are most important for me). I need to remove non printable objects it. I don't know what criteria chose. I think removing objects with small border length would be better then removing objects with small area (so long ...

Shapes-tool creating a vector mask every time, cannot seem to fix in CS3?

Every time I create a shape using the shape tool, it places a vector mask on top of this. I don't know how I enabled this but it does not do it on my laptop version, only my desktop. I can seem to disable this problem I am having. Even reinstalling and restoring defaults I cannot seem to stop this. Very frustrating, anyone have a fix f...

Convert CAD to raster

Hello, How do printers convert the vectorial CAD graphics to dots in paper? I have a 50mmx50mm with 4095x4095 points "printing" system and I'd like to print some CAD files to it? Should I use the existing printing system? Or convert the CAD file to something my "printer" undertands and if so, how? Thank you ...

what can you do with just binary or ternary raster operations ?

What soft of bit twiddling can and can't you do using binary or ternary raster arithmetic with blitting functions. Some more examples of bit twiddling: avoiding branches in chess programming, hacker's delight ...

Retrieving the color of a given pixel in Gtk+/Gtkmm

Which is the best and fastest way to retrieve the color of a given pixel of a widget? For example: I load an image onto a Gtk::DrawingArea or draw something on it. Then I try to retrieve the color of the pixel that the mouse cursor is over. I use this technique: bool MainWindow::on_canvas_motion_notify(GdkEventMotion* event) { get_...

Creating raster images using R

I am trying to use R to create a raster image from a matrix of data. However, I am getting some weird artifacts on the edge of my image. The code I am using is as follows: # From the example for rasterImage(). A 3 pixel by 5 pixel b/w checkerboard. testImage <- as.raster(0:1, nrow=3, ncol=5) testImage [,1] [,2] [,3] ...