
Doctrine RawSql strange error?

I really hope i'm overlooking here, but I really can't figure it out anymore. I'm at the point where copying a working piece of code to somewhere else makes it stop functioning... :( I have the following code which sets up a RawSql query for Doctrine, and outputs the sql query. I get some errors which I'm unable to resolve which I poste...

Difference between the results of Doctrine_Query and Doctrine_RawSql

Hey I have problem with the following Doctrine_RawSql: public function getWithThreads($forum_id) { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $q = new Doctrine_RawSql($conn); $q->select('{f.*},{t.*}, {p.id}, {p.last_post_date} ') ->from(sprintf("forum f LEFT JOIN thread t ON t.forum_id = f.id JOIN (SELECT MAX(p.crea...