
Exceptions not passed correctly thru RCF (using Boost.Serialization)

I use RCF with boost.serialization (why use RCF's copy when we already use the original?) It works OK, but when an exception is thrown in the server, it's not passed correctly to the client. Instead, I get an RCF::SerializationException quoting an archive_exception saying "class name too long". When I change the protocol to BsText, the e...

RCF for two way IPC

Hi, I am using RCF for Inter Process Communication in a project. Is there a way in RCF to create a bi directional channel. I will have server and client running in both processes. I was able to get one way commmunication working with Win32NamedPipes Here is the server int main() { MyServiceImpl myServiceImpl; RCF::RcfServer serv...

Difference between stateless and stateful compression?

In the chapter Filters (scroll down ~50%) in an article about the Remote Call Framework are mentioned 2 ways of compression: ZLib stateless compression ZLib stateful compression What is the difference between those? Is it ZLib-related or are these common compression methods? While searching I could only find stateful and stateless w...