
What is idiomatic code?

I'd be interested in some before-and-after c# examples, some non-idiomatic vs idiomatic examples. Non-c# examples would be fine as well if they get the idea across. Thanks. ...

How to check if a file exists and is readable in C++?

I've got a fstream my_file("test.txt"), but I don't know if test.txt exists. In case it exists, I would like to know if I can read it, too. How to do that? I use Linux. ...

Does a pronounceable encoding exist ?

I am using UUIDs, but they are not particularly nice to read, write and communicate. So I would like to encode them. I could use base64, or base32, but they would not be easy anyway: base64 has capitalized letters and symbols. Base32 is a bit better, but you can still obtain clumsy stuff. I was wondering if there's a nice and clean way ...

NetworkStream Readable

Hello, I need this property in order to check the availability of my network stream conintuosly. It is described in the Visual Studio 2008 Documentation. But if I check the definiton of NetworkStream class in my Visual Studio there is no "Readable" property within its members. I really need this to update the status of the networkstr...

Query regarding making the textbox readable?

hello all, I have an mvc application in which I want to make the texbox readable,i have used the following syntax it is not working.please tell me where am I going wrong <%= Html.TextBox("upperlimit", String.Format("{0:F}", Model.upperlimit, new { @readonly = (Model.upperlimit != null ? "readonly" : "false") }))%> <%= Html.ValidationMe...

how to make data that download from google-app-engine readable..

i use this to download all data from my google app: i follow this article: and download data use this: --dump --url= --filename=b.csv but the data is : so how to make the data...