
"could not open socket"

Hello, my question is how do I alleviate the "could not open socket error" that is happening on my site. I have trouble shot that it is captcha (I'm using recaptcha) It is only displaying this error on the two pages where I use recpatcha. I have been generating new sets of keys and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. For e...

Using reCAPTCHA on localhost

I'm developing a website using PHP and I want to make a human verification in one of the sessions. For the development, I'm initially running the system locally and when it is ready, I'm gonna make put it on in a certain domain. In the reCAPTCHA website it is said that the plugin will only work at the given domain (and subdomains). My ...

Why does reCaptcha need the ip address of the user?

reCaptcha requires the ip address of the user who submitted captchaResponse. Does anyone know how reCaptcha uses this information? Recaptcha's website does not give any information on how the user's ip address will be used. Aren't there any privacy concerns here? ...

Recaptcha with magento

Hi all, I have installed recaptcha in my client's site which is not live yet But in development. The recaptcha was working fine till last week but when I'm checking it now it gives a "Input error: Invalid referer " instead of the recaptcha block. I am just wondering what might be the cause of this. Is it something to do with the public ...

IE6 dose not parse the loaded JavaScript file (Recaptcha hosted by Google)

Hi, This is a really strange issue, I am trying to use the Recaptcha on one of the website, and it works for all browsers tested except for IE6. I have make a reference to the google's js: and it is loaded according to fiddler2 & the 'onreadystatechange' event (which have a ready...

reCAPTCHA accepting one word out of two

I am a bit confused about how reCAPTCHA works. I have implemented it using ROR. Sometimes even if i specify only one word out of two, it returns true while sometimes it fails. I am really confused and not able to understand the behaviour of reCAPTCHA. ...

Ambethia Recaptcha unable to rerender after Ajax form submission in Webkit browsers

I have an Ajax form in my Rails app that contains the Recaptcha markup as provided by the helper in the Ambethia Recaptcha gem: recaptcha_tags :ajax => true On submit, the form hits a create action, which responds with the create.js.erb that contains the following: $('#message-form').replaceWith("<%= escape_javascript(render('message...

reCAPTCHA not working in IE8

Hi everyone, reCAPTCHA (Zend_Service_ReCaptcha) is not working in IE 8 on our site. Look at this web site. Does anyone know why? It is working elsewhere including FF,Opera, etc. Thanks a lot! ...

reCAPTCHA (Zend_Service_ReCaptcha) throws "Unable to Connect to tcp://"

Hi, I am using reCAPTCHA on this page but when I submit I get following error in my apache log: This started happening after I set ssl to true (i have to use it, becouse website is SSL) [Wed Jul 28 18:47:54 2010] [error] [client X.X.31.80] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception' with message 'Unable to...

How to Reload ReCaptcha using JavaScript?

I have a signup form with AJAX so that I want to refresh Recaptcha image anytime an error is occured (i.e. username already in use). I am looking for a code compatible with ReCaptcha to reload it using JavaScript. ...

Recaptcha fixed image size

Why is recaptcha image fixed in size 300x57 ? Even when customizing the div where the image is injected, the width and height of the div are overridden and set to 300x57. Of course the image can be re-sized after it's rendered, but why there are no options to generate the image the size developers would like it to be.

how to add two recaptcha in the same web page

If we are trying to add another recaptcha user control when there is one previously then it is generating errors and not displaying both of it. How to handle it? ...

PHP - Question about using reCAPTCHA with jQuery

Hello all, Here is a tutorial that indicates how to combine jQuery Form Validation with reCAPTCHA. Based on my understanding, the above tutorial in fact does a client side validation through aJax that communicates with the server reCAPTCHA script. After the validatio...

What's the use of the Public and Private key for reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA requires a public and a private key before it can be implemented into a website. It also needs the reCAPTCHA keys depending on the website. What's the reason behind this? Does the Public and Private key affect the words displayed in the reCAPTCHA? I know that I can set the Public and Private key to be GLOBAL in which it can be ...

How to implement two recaptcha in the same page

How we can implement Two recaptcha user control on the same page. Problem : we have two views one for tell a friend about the site by sending e-mail and another authoring any note. the tell a friend part is hidden which send e-mail through ajax and note author part is visible so it is making problem when we need both but in different w...

Hidden field as a (re)CAPTCHA alternative in a ASP.NET MVC2 application

I am writing a "contact us" form on a web project that I am currently involved with. While I've used reCAPTCHA in the past, for this project, I would prefer not to clutter the interface with extra images, fields, etc. How many of you have had experience in adding a hidden field named something like "first_name" to your form. The ide...

Asking for CAPTCHA only once with MvcReCaptcha

I'm using MvcRecaptcha to prevent bot posts for a complex unauthenticated client form on an ASP.NET MVC 2.0 site. I only want to require one correct CAPTCHA entry from an unauthenticated client, even if some of the form's inputs are incorrect. I have tried using a Session["CaptchaSuccess"] = true; variable to suppress Html.GenerateCapt...

recaptcha plugin for rails

I am currently using ambethia's recaptcha plugin for rails. I want to disable the message "incorrect-captcha-sol" whenever the user incorrectly enters the wrong recaptcha. How should I go about doing this? In the source file I get the following tags surrounding the error message <p class="recaptcha_error">incorrect-captcha-sol</p> ...

Recaptcha translation

Does anyone knows how to change text language from Recaptcha? Ive already try: <script type="text/javascript"> var RecaptchaOptions = { lang : 'fr', }; </script> But it doenst change. ...

reCAPTCHA or anti-spam filters?

For protecting my website from spam and malicious registrations/posts/etc, is it better to use something like reCAPTCHA or an anti-spam script? I was planning on implementing reCAPTCHA for user registrations on my site, using the CodeIgniter reCAPTCHA library (here). However, the CI forum on this library (here) has a lot of negative vi...