I've been implementing a certain plugin (dtabs) on my page in Wordpress but after upgrading to the latest version, I found that I now have an error the 2nd time I call the main function called dtab_list_tabs().
The way it works is, the plugin gets include_once'd but the main function is called however many times you want to place tabs i...
The error message
[23-Mar-2010 08:36:16] PHP Fatal
error: Cannot redeclare humanize()
(previously declared in
on line 133
I have ...
Hi everyone, I am having a re-declare issue and I just want to understand why can someone enlighten me.
Here's my code.
function createAdminPage($dialarg,$topsnamearg,$shortnamearg) {
global $dial;
$dial = $dialarg;
global $topsname;
$topsname = $topsnamearg;
global $topname;
$topname = "Top ".$dial;
Hi, Im trying to make a class to help with SEO and also compare google API with actual results
class true_seo {
public $string, $amount;
private $arr;
public function __construct(){}
public function set_g_key( $key ) {
$this->g_key = $key;
public function set_phrase( $string )...