
Hiding URL when redirecting

Hey, Is it possible that I can hide the URL where I redirect in CPANEL. For example : My Website : My other website : When redirecting from to I want that the adresse stay ! How can I make it in CPANEL. ?? ...

mozilla firefox page redirection

When i search for some query and click on any of the results, the link is being redirected to some random sites. What could be the reason behind this? This happens with firefox ...

PHP: Redirect to the same page, changing $_GET.

Hi, I have this PHP piece of code that gets $_GET['id'] (a number) and do some stuff with this. When its finished I need to increase that number ($_GET['id']) and redirect to the same page but with the new number (also using $_GET['id']). I am doing something like this: $ID = $_GET['id']; // Some stuff here // and then: $newID = $ID...

PHP: Infinity loop and Time Limit!

Hi, I have a piece of code that fetches data by giving it an ID. If I give it an ID of 1230 for example, the code fetches an article data with an ID of 1230 from a web site (external) and insert it into a DB. Now, the problem is that I need to fetch all the articles, lets say from ID 00001 to 99999. If a do a 'for' loop, after 60 second...

DotnetNuke redirect

our client needs to shortcuts to particular pages We need to redirect non existent urls like to the actual URL similar to ... I've sent a list of appropriate DNN modules to our client but it may take them forever to get back to m...

gdb trouble with stdin redirection

Hi, I'm writing a program to implement Dinic's max-flow algorithm over a network. The networks can be written either by hand or loaded from a file using stdin redirection. I've been able to use gdb to debug the program with small files (around 30 lines), but I'm having trouble when I try to debug the program with bigger files (>1000 line...

Process data BEFORE a 301 Redirect?

So, I've been working on a PHP link shortener (I know, just what the world needs). Basically when the page loads, php determines where it needs to go and sends a 301 Header to redirect the browser, like so... Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); header("Location:"; Now, I'm trying to add some tracking to my r...

[CakePHP] Pagination after inserting or updateing record

one more question related with cakephp... let's say that i have 20+ records in my table. they are sorted by some criteria, ie. by title. and on a list view, i have a list of 10 records, with available pagination. how can i achieve that when i insert new record, to be redirected to proper page, where i can see record that is just was in...

In CodeIgniter, how to clear "form data" after redirecting page

I'm not sure I explained it correctly in the question title, so here's the details: Login controller: function authenticate() { if ( authorized ) { redirect('lobby'); } else { redirect('login'); } } Lobby controller: function index() { //load lobby view } What happens is that in the login page, I en...

Does http-equiv="refresh" keep referrer info and metadata?

Hey guys, I'm posting this here because the Doctype community seems to be sleeping in. If I set up a page like this: <html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt; Will the browser send referrer info and other metadata when the redirection is performe...

How can I do a non-www to www redirect without breaking Flash security?

So I have a SWF file here (direct link, it autoplays, sorry): that, when I have these .htaccess rules enabled: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] Fails out with this error: Error: Sl...

Why jquery ajax calls fails after session timeout in mvc?

when there is a value in my session variable my ajax calls work properly... But when a session is timedout it doesn't seem to work returning empty json result.... public JsonResult GetClients(int currentPage, int pageSize) { if (Session["userId"]!=null) { var clients = clirep.FindAllClien...

Powershell: Writing errors and ouput to a text file and Console

I am trying to write the entire output (errors included) of an executing script to the console and a file at the same time. I have tried several different options .\MyScript.ps1 | tee -filePath C:\results.txt # only the output to the file .\MyScript.ps1 2> C:\results.txt # only the errors to the file and not the console .\MyScript.ps1 >...

Bash:Redirection Halts

I have a command e.g. ls-l > file.txt When there is insufficient space on my drive, the above command just stalls waiting for something to happen. Does anyone know about a code that I could write enabling me to display a message about the lack of space on my drive? E.g. could I use IPC or do you have any other ideas? Thanks in advance. ...

FileIO out of order when using subprocesses in Python

I am trying to generate a log file with information in order. This is what I have: class ExecThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, command): self.command = command self._lock = threading.Lock() threading.Thread.__init__ ( self ) def run ( self ): self._lock.acquire() sys.stdout.write(''.join(["Executing: ",self.comma...

Basic 301 Redirection Help

I am trying to learn redirection for a WordPress site of my own. I am testing the concept of redirecting a single WordPress post by using a dummy site. However, it doesn't seem to be working for me. I am trying to redirect www.perfectmatchmaker[dot]org/finding-the-right-matchmaker to www.perfectmatchmaker[dot]org/finding-the-perfect...

Apache redirect problem?

I have a asp .net web service running on my machine which I'm accessing from a client iphone application. The process runs fine when I run service methods using my IP address. I wanted to set the address to a domain and set the domain to redirect to the IP address. The redirection works fine when I just want to view the service, ie http...

Revert IP Lever port redirection

Hello, i would like to find a way, to revert ip level rooting i have done on a server of mine. A friend helped me with the following commands, to redirect traffic from 80 to 8080. Nevertheless, it needs to be rerun after server is restarted. Now i will go for standart apache2 configuration. How could i revert that ip redirection? The co...

Domain redirect problem with JQuery/JavaScript

I got a strange problem. I have a fullscreen image scaler javascript (as GOTOCHINA website) that works very well on my website. Then, I purchased a domain redirect pointing on my website and when redirecting suddenly internet explorer 7 and internet explorer 8 give me this error Messagge: is not a valid argument. Line: 34 Char:...

Redirect from Default.aspx to root using IIS7

When request comes to, I want it to 301 to How to do that? PS - I tried many rules but nothing seems to work. Thanks. ...