
Is there any downside to redundant qualifiers? Any benefit?

For example, referencing something as System.Data.Datagrid as opposed to just Datagrid. Please provide examples and explanation. Thanks. ...

jQuery & ASP.Net Resources & Gotchas

What are some good jQuery Resources along with some gotchas when using it with ASP.Net? ...

Hibernate: Mapping One-way Redundant Columns

In my schema there are a few redundant columns used to speed up report queries. For example, the purchase total of a sale is saved in the "purchase_total" column of the "sale" table, yet in the model, it is calculated dynamically by adding up the sold price of each item purchase in the sale. This value can be retrieved by calling the "g...

Why does resharper say 'Catch clause with single 'throw' statement is redundant'?

I thought throwing an exception is good practice to let it bubble back up to the UI or somewhere where you log the exception and notify the user about it. Why does resharper say it is redundant? try { File.Open("FileNotFound.txt", FileMode.Open); } catch { throw; } ...

Disable winforms refresh

Every time I change the enable disable property of the controls on my winform it repaints the whole form. I want to avoid the redundant repaints by only repainting when i have updated all of the controls. Is this possible? ...

ASP.Net Gridview: get rid of redundant controls in templates

In a gridview I want to allow editing and inserting data. The Insert row should be in the footer row. But that row is not existing if the datasource is empty. So I have to create an emptydatatemplate and repeat all of my controls. Together with the edittemplate I have the same set of cells and controls three times, like this examples sho...

ARP protocol : is ARP source hardware address redundant? (already contained in ethernet header)

Hi, I'm working on a network security project and I noticed something that I can't explain: Why do we need a source hardware address field in arp? Isn't it already contained in the ethernet header? Cheers, Laurent ...

Delete redundant MOSS content database entry

In a sharepoint content database we have noticed there are a couple of records in the all_docs table that reference documents that no longer exist. The listid guid that they are associated with is not in the site so we have no way to view them and delete them. I think this was a result of moving a content database from another environmen...

How can I simplify this redundant code?

Can someone please help me simpling this redundant piece of code? if (isset($to) === true) { if (is_string($to) === true) { $to = explode(',', $to); } $to = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $to), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)); } if (isset($cc) === true) { if (is_string(...

System.Tuple in two assemblies, what to do?

Error 1 The type 'System.Tuple' exists in both 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0\mscorlib.dll' and 'c:\Program Files (x86)\FSharp-\bin\FSharp.Core.dll' C:\Users\Bent\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\FSharpExtensionsCSharp\FSharpExtensionsCSharp\FSharpListEx.cs 51 41 FSharpExten...

Server side caching for redundant client data for Charting

The functionality that i have now enables me to generate charts(graphs/tables etc), from the XML data created by manipulating results extracted from the database. This works good when i have a limited amount of data. But as the data grows the time to generate charts increases substantially. Following is an example scenario that describ...

How is C++ VIRTUAL function not redundant?

Possible Duplicates: Overriding vs Virtual How am i overriding this C++ inherited member function without the virtual keyword being used? I am learning C++ at this moment, but I'm not completely in the dark when it comes to programming languages. Something makes no sense to me. My understanding is that a VIRTUAL function in ...