
How to find all implementations of a certain interface?

I want to make my program initialization a bit "smarter". I have several classes which represent commands. All these classes are immutable (i.e. creating only one instance of each should be enough for the whole application). All these classes implement Command interface. I think that the fact that some classes are placed in the same ...

C# RealProxy: generic methods?

I'm trying to handle a call of a generic method through a RealProxy, but I cannot seem to find the information about the actual type of the generic parameter used in the intercepted method call. An excerpt of the code: public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg) { ... string methodName = (string)msg.Properties[...

Serializing DataAnnotations

I would like to store DataAnnotations inside a database. How can I retrieve a string representation of a DataAnnotation by reflection (or by other means)? Example public class Product { [DisplayName("Price")] [Required] [RegularExpression(@"^\$?\d+(\.(\d{2}))?$")] public decimal UnitPrice { get; set;...