
Native.* assemblyIdentity with Registration-free com

I set Isolated=true to some COM library that I need to use registration free. Visual studio now created Native.* manifest files for each of my assemblies: Why "Native"? Can I change this? Can someone point me to info I can read? (googling native / assembly / manifest is yield a lot of non-related info ) Is there a way I can embed thes...

How to upgrade older app without DLL issues?

At a customer's site I have an .EXE sitting on a server share which is accessed via a mapped drive on all user machines. (Yes, I know there should be an MSI which would distribute the application but I am stuck with how it is at present.) Sometimes there are some issues with OCXs that stop working on a user machine if I upgrade the .EX...

Does Reg-Free COM work with Interop?

What is the consensus here? I have a VB6 app using Interop to utilise .NET assemblies. Could I use Reg-Free COM to 'register' the .NET assemblies? ...