
Python regular expression inconsistency

I am getting different results based on whether I precompile a regular expression: >>> re.compile('mr', re.IGNORECASE).sub('', 'Mr Bean') ' Bean' >>> re.sub('mr', '', 'Mr Bean', re.IGNORECASE) 'Mr Bean' The Python documentation says Some of the functions are simplified versions of the full featured methods for compiled regular express...

How to convert upper to lower and replace spaces with dashes?

I want to convert good bunch of url text. from CUSTOMER FAQS HOW wE can HELP PLANNING YOUR BUDGET CUSTOMER CASE STUDIES TENANT DISPUTES EXIT STRATEGIES USEFUL dOCUMENTS USEFUL lINKS to customer-faqs how-we-can-help planning-your-budget customer-case-studies tenant-disputes exit-strategies useful-documents useful-links Is there any...

Match literal string

I have this web page where users can add smilies to their comments. And I want to limit the number of smilies per comment. The "system" works but I have some problems with the regex part. I have my smilies defined in a config file like so: $config['Smilies'] = Array ( // irrelevant stuff 'smilies' => Array ( ':)' => 'smile....

Match Parenthetical Expression With Regular Expressions

Hi, I am working on a math expression parser using regular expressions and I am trying to add support for parentheses. My parser works like this: function parse_expression(expression){ Find parenthetical expressions Loop through parenthetical expressions, call parse_expression() on all of them Replace parenthetical express...

How do I extract and parse quoted strings in Perl?

Hello. Good day. My text file content below. tmp.txt (a very big size file) constant fixup private AlarmFileName = <A "C:\\TMP\\ALARM.LOG"> /* A Format */ constant fixup ConfigAlarms = <U1 0> /* U1 Format */ constant fixup ConfigEvents = <U2 0> /* U2 Format */ My parse code below. The code can't handle C:\\TMP...

read number of charaters in HTML text using javascript

suppose i am getting HTML text in my JavaScript function as var TEMP=; where'<p>BODY&nbsp;Article By Archie(Used By Story Tool)</p>'; i have done this: var e = document.createElement("span"); e.innerHTML = TEMP; var text = e.innerText; var characterCount = tex...

comparison table for emacs regexp and perl compatible regular expression (PCRE)?

Is there a nice table or a cheatsheet on the web that compares the sytax of emacs regex and PCRE? That I have to remember to escape grouping parenthesis and braces and other differences when I'm using emacs regex, it's all confusing, a syntax comparison table would be good for minimizing confusion. ...

How do I display data from the beginning of a file until the first occurence of a regular expression?

How do I display data from the beginning of a file until the first occurrence of a regular expression? For example, if I have a file that contains: One Two Three Bravo Four Five I want to start displaying the contents of the file starting at line 1 and stopping when I find the string "B*". So the output should look like this: One T...

How to extract a particular value from an INI File using a Regular Expression?

I am a bit confused how to best use a Regular Expression and hope I can get some help I want to extract a URL value from an INI File as such: [DEFAULT] BASEURL= [InternetShortcut] URL= So I can get the URL value as the only Match from the Regular expression - but I don't unders...

Regex Replace - Multiple Characters

I have 20 or so characters that I need to replace with various other characters in a block of text. Is there a way to do this in a single regex, and what would this regex be? Or is there an easier way to do this in .NET? For example, an excerpt from my mapping table is œ => oe ž => z Ÿ => Y À => A Á => A  => A à => A Ä => AE ...

Regex: Match words in sentence PHP

Hi, I have an array with words like $arr = array("go", "walk", ...) I would like to replace these words with links f they are matched in sentences. But it should be only if they match exactly (for example "walk" should match "Walk" or "walk!" but not also "walking") And the replacement should be a simple link like: < a href='#walk' >...

Help need regex pattern

(any symbol) _ (any symbol) _ (any symbol) need as much as possible short regex patterns to extract symbols sequence between _, for ex: abc123_abc12345ABC_123abc regex should extract - abc12345ABC ...

Need regex (using C#) to condense all whitepace into single whitespaces

Hi, all. I need to replace multiple whitespaces into a single whitespace (per iteration) in a document. Doesn't matter whether they are spaces, tabs or newlines, any combination of any kind of whitespace needs to be truncated to a single whitespace. Let's say we have the string: "Hello,\t \t\n  \t    \n world", (where \t and \n repre...

C# Regex help (very quick answer).

I have the follow code: string DB1 = DB1 = Regex.Match(contents, @"DB1=(?<DB1>[^\r\n]+)").Groups["DB1"].Value; The code reads a file and looks for the following line: DB1=Database\ABSER\ABSER how can i modify the code that i have to exclude the 2nd \ABSER I want my code to read only Database\ABSER , so essentially cut off the 2nd...

What benefits we can take using regex in xhtml css development?

What benefits we can take using regex in xhtml css development? any tools and useful regex commands? ...

Regex Function Help

Hi I have a difficult regex problem that I have tried and have a partial solution, but haven't gotten to work perfectly yet. Essentially, I have to parse a document that is in an outline format such as this: 1. HEY BUDDY 1.A. Your the best 1.A.1 And i know 1.A.2. this because 1.A.3 it is 1.A.4. the 1.A.5. truth i 1.A.6. tell ya. 1.B....

Regex (java) help

How do I split this comma+quote delimited String into a set of strings: String test = "[\"String 1\",\"String, two\"]"; String[] embeddedStrings = test.split("<insert magic regex here>"); //note: It should also work for this string, with a space after the separating comma: "[\"String 1\", \"String, two\"]"; assertEquals("String 1"...

How to do a "backwards" regular expression search and extract

I have a bunch of URLs to parse in PHP, like this: for about 100 different pages (not just shopping - some are contact, some are directions, etc.). I have a seed set of data, which tells me where to look for the page names, like this:[pagenam...

How can I do a multi-line match on the data returned from Perl's diamond operator

Is there some trick to do multi-line regular expression matches with <>, and loop over them? This example results in no matches when run on files with \n as the newline separator: while (<> =~ m/\n./) { print($.); } I need to know the line of the start of the match inside the while loop, as in the example. The goal is to find all l...

How can I escape a literal string I want to interpolate into a regular expression?

Is there a built-in way to escape a string that will be used within/as a regular expression? E.g. The escaped version would be: www\.abc\.com I was going to use: $string =~ s/[.*+?|()\[\]{}\\]/\\$&/g; # Escapes special regex chars But I just wanted to make sure that there's not a cleaner built-in operation that I'm m...