Hi there
I am looking for some help. I have found this script that sort of solves my problem 50% - I want to click on a word and delete the word using jquery similar to the example below. If using the example below it will highlight the word that you click on.
<!DOCTYPE html>
p { color:blue; font-weight:bold; ...
I've googled some code that converts an url into a hyperlink using bbcode The code is :
// format the url tags: [url=www.website.com]my site[/url]
// becomes: <a href="www.website.com">my site</a>
exp = new Regex(@"\[url\=([^\]]+)\]([^\]]+)\[/url\]");
str = exp.Replace(str, "<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>");
// format the img tags: [img]www.web...
I want to extract URLs from a webpage these are just URLs by themselves not hyperlinks etc., they are just text. Some examples would be http://www.example.com, http://example.com, www.example.com etc. I am extremely new at regex so I have copy and pasted like 20 expressions online all failed to work. I don't know if I am doing it right o...
I need to check whether a received string contains any words that are more than 20 characters in length. For example the input string :
hi there asssssssssssssssssssskkkkkkkk how are you doing ?
would return true.
could somebody please help me out with a regexp to check for this. i'm using php.
thanks in advance.
Hi Im trying to write a simple CSS parsing script in PHP that enables me to put previously declared classes within a css rule, i.e. the Mixins functionality of less and Sassy.
This regex only grabs the last css class name within the curly braces:
For example, only .foo will be matched in the below css rule:
I'm using this line in a SPARQL query in my python program:
FILTER regex(?name, "%s", "i" )
(where %s is the search text entered by the user)
I want this to match if either ?name or ?featurename contains %s, but I can't seem to find any documentation or tutorial for using regex(). I tried a couple things that seemed reasonable:
In python regex how would I match against a large string of text and flag if any one of the regex values are matched... I have tried this with "|" or statements and i have tried making a regex list.. neither worked for me.. here is an example of what I am trying to do with the or..
I think my "or" gets commented out
I have this function to parse bbcode -> html:
$this->text = preg_replace(array(
please see code :
$result = "<b>Associated Names</b> [<a href='http://www.examples.com/authors.html?act=change&id=6141&item=associated'><u>Edit</u></a>]</td>
<td class='text' align='left'>G・R<br />G-R<br /> </td>"
Using Nokogiri, I need to parse a block given:
<div class="some_class">
12 AB / 4+ CD
2,600 Dollars
So i need get AB, CD and Dollars values (if exist).
ab = p.css(".some_class").text[....some regex....]
cd = p.css(".some_class").text[....some regex....]
dollars = p.css(".some_class").text[....some regex......
I have just written some code for approximate string matching. I would like to benchmark my naive algorithm against a more mature implementation running on the JVM. Any suggestions?
There is a mistake in this code, I could not find it. What is the missing character do I need?
Hi all, i've been messing around trying figure this out myself but its taking a while..
Basically after a regex to pass the following tests:
IsARarFile("test.rar"); // true
IsARarFile("test.r00"); // true
IsARarFile("test.txt"); // false
IsARarFile("test.avi"); // false
IsARarFile("test.mp4"); // false
IsARarFile("test.001"); // true
I have a list of patterns like
list_patterns = [': error:', ': warning:', 'cc1plus:', 'undefine reference to']
what I want to do is to produce a union of all of them yielding a regular expression that matches every element in list_patterns [but presumably does not match any re not in list_patterns -- msw]
Hey guys, I am trying to match "address" in this page -
The source of address part has this HTML
<td align="right" class="generalinfo_left">Address:</td>
<td class="generalinfo_right">1 S Main St Ste 1430<b...
I have been finding some articles and post which suggest not to use the regular expression to validate user data. I am not sure of all the things but i usually find it in case of email address verification.
So i want to be clear whether using regular expression for validating user input is good or not? if it is good then what is b...
using http://www.regular-expressions.info/javascriptexample.html I tested the following regex
this is designed to match a backslash and then a number.
It works there
If I then try this directly in code
var reg = /^\\{1}([0-9])+/;
I get no matches!
What am I doing wrong?
I have a string on which I try to create a regex mask that will show N number of words, given an offset. Let's say I have the following string:
"The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
I want to show 3 words at the time:
offset 0: "The quick, brown"
offset 1: "quick, brown fox"
offset 2: "brown fox jumps"
offset 3: "fox jumps o...
I want to ask a very basic question about token,
while reading about regex,the book tag caret(^) as a zero width token,
can you please tell me what actually it means by zero width?
The title says it all.
Right now, I am implementing this with a split, slice, and implosion:
$exploded = implode(' ',array_slice(preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/','ThisIsATest'),1));
//$exploded = "This Is A Test"
Prettier version:
$capital_split = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/','ThisIsATest');
$blank_first_ignored = array_slice($capital_split,1);...