
Last word in a sentence: In SQL (regular expressions possible?)

I need this to be done in Oracle SQL (10gR2). But I guess, I would rather put it plainly, any good, efficient algorithm is fine. Given a line (or sentence, containing one or many words, English), how will you find the last word of the sentence? Here is what I have tried in SQL. But, I would like to see an efficient way of doing this. ...

Simple Regex Question

I am new to regex (15 minutes of experience) so I can't figure this one out. I just want something that will match an alphanumeric string with no spaces in it. For example: "ThisIsMyName" should match, but "This Is My Name" should not match. ...

Regex polish: how not to include quotes on quoted substrings in search

I've written a regex to split a search string into its component parts. Features include: Operators: +, -, AND, OR Word grouping by quotes (single and double for now) Correctly ignoring apostrophes So: ((?<=^|\s)(?:[\+\-]?"[^"]+"(?=\s|$)|[\+\-]?'[^']+'(?=\s|$)|[\+\-]?\S+|AND|and|OR|or)(?=$|\s)) What is the easiest way to exclude ...


I was looking to split a string based on a regular expression but I also have interest in keeping the text we split on: php > var_dump(preg_split("/(\^)/","category=Telecommunications & CATV^ORcategory!=ORtest^caused_byISEMPTY^EQ"), null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); array(4) { [0]=> string(34) "category=Telecommunications & CATV" ...

How to get the number of differences in a string comparison?

I know I can get whether 2 strings are equal in content, but I need to be able to get the number of characters that differ in the result of comparing 2 string values. For instance: "aaaBaaaCaaaDaaaEaaa" "aaaXaaaYaaaZaaaEaaa" so the asnwer is 3 for this case. Is there an easy way to do this, using regex, linq or any other way? EDIT:...

How to get this regex?

Can somebody tel me how a regex should look like which searches in "V. Guimaraes - FC-Porto" and gives out: "V. Guimaraes" "FC-Porto" EDIT: The Source also could be: "V. Guimaraes - FC-Porto 2:2" "V. Guimaraes - FC-Porto Foo" ... ...

Automatically Embed Youtube Videos From URI

How would you go about embedding youtube vidoes automatically from the URI. Say for example you type in a textbox: The quick brown fox jumped over this video;feature=player_embedded and then fell into this;feature=hp_SLN&amp;list=SL You pr...

Help with regex to extract value from URL anchor

In Django URL patterns, what's the proper way to take this URL: http://example/i/fb/#access_token=12345678910|b1827b912847b81938747b91849-193867192305817|EKWOGJhcinWIjWij8174-NgjRojb&amp;expires_in=0 And create variables: access_token = 12345678910|b1827b912847b81938747b91849-193867192305817|EKWOGJhcinWIjWij8174-NgjRojb expires_in = ...

Java Regex performance

Hello Everybody. I'm trying to parse links with Regex with Java. But, i think its getting to slow. For example. To extract all links from:;tab=wn is spending 34642 milliseconds (34 seconds!!!) Here is the regexp: private final String regexp = "<a.*?\\shref\\s*=\\s*([\\\"\\']*)(.*?)([\\\...

Whats wrong with this one line bash script?

Major bash-noob here. Writing my second program again. For my homework, I need to write a number of grep statements using regexps. This is the first one I'm trying to write. I'm saving it as grep.bash: #!/bin/bash egrep bright_side_of_life 'the' The error I get is : egrep: the: no such file or directory ...

Using regex with grep

One of my homework questions is to search using grep an lines that contain the word 'death' or 'breath'. I know the [] operator acts as an or, but how do I use it to specify 'd' or 'br' ? This won't work: egrep [dbr]eath test_file ...

Data Structure to represent a DFA

Hi All, I was wondering, what would be the best data structure to represent a DFA ? I am looking at converting a regular expression to a DFA and make this particular functionality as a library in java. The main thing is that, each entity in the regex carries a set of value rather than a single string value like "car" . In my case , ...

Nested Regex Replace in C#

I'm not really that good with regex, but I understand the basics. I'm trying to figure out how to do a conditional replace based upon a certain value in the match. For example: Suppose I have some nested string structure that look like this: "[id value]"//id and value are space delimited. id will never have spaces id is some strin...

how do i extract the part between the brackets in javascript regular expressions: answer_postal_address[address]

how do i extract the part between the brackets in javascript regular expressions: answer_postal_address[address] I tried this: /^\w*/g which works but i wasn't sure if this was correct... ...

is there a way find substring index through regual expression in python?

i want to find a substring 's index postion,but the substring is long and hard to expression(multiline,& even you need escape for it ) so i want to use regex to match them,and return the substring's index, the function like str.find or str.rfind , is there some package help for this? ...

Enumerate regex match names/values

What is the C# equivalent of this pseudo-code? var pattern = ...; var lookup = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (var group in new Regex(pattern).Matches()) { lookup[group.Name] = group.Value; } I don't see any System.Text.RegularExpressions group-related object that exposes the group name. What am I missing? What I'm a...

Javascript question

John Resig wrote a nifty Class function, swanky. I'm trying to figure out what is going on, and have pretty much everything figured out except a single line: fnTest = /xyz/.test(function () {xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/; A couple things immediately jump to mind, first xyz is never initialized as a variable; so why then does this work?...

High-performance way to compile regular expressions in AS3?

I have a pretty simple question. What is the best (highest-performance/lowest memory-usage, etc.) way to compile a regular expression in AS3? For instance, is this: private var expression:RegExp = new RegExp(".*a$"); private function modify():void { /* uses "expression" to chop up string */ } Faster than this: private var expr...

remove all local javascript file except external javascript files in php

i am writing a php script that compress local javascript files into one from an html page. Now i want to delete local references except external javascript files. for example, i have following variables. $my_domain = "mysite"; $base_url ="" I want to delete all local javascript references except external. local j...

does textarea distinguish \r\n or \n?

i have a texaarea which put regular expression to match html,so it's senstive to \r\n & \n, and i don't know textarea how's doing with this, when i write a wring regular expression with muliple lines,put these string to the textarea,then send to the server process match procedure,it will not work,i think the main reason is \r\n \n symbo...