I have a login script that checks for a registry key and if the key is not found it runs a script that creates an outlook signature from info in AD then adds a key to the registry. The script has run perfectly on about 20 machines that i have tested it on, however it doesn't work correctly on 3 machines. For these 3 machines it passes th...
I'm trying to use set-itemproperty to add an item to:
HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Installation Sources
$InstallationSources = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" -Name "Installation Sources"
$test = $InstallationSources."Installation Sources" + "C:\Test\I386"
I'm trying to create a setup project.
On install, I want it to create some registry keys and delete others.
On uninstall, I want it to do the opposite.
Regarding creation of keys on install and removing them on uninstall - no problem, it's built into the setup project.
Problem is with removing keys at install (and adding them back at ...
How would I loop through all the values of a Windows Registry Key using the Python module _winreg. I have code that will do what I want, but it is for the subkeys of the specified registry key.
Here Is The Code:
from _winreg import *
i = 0
while True:
I constantly receive in Event Viewer an Error at every reboot:
Skipping: Eap method DLL path name validation failed. Error: typeId=21, authorId=29114, vendorId=0, vendorType=0
Source: EapHost
Event ID: 2002
Level: Error
User: System
Task Category: Peer
Keywords: Registry
Someone have any idea?
I want to modified the Internet Explorer CLSID element in the registry: (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} )
It is possible to copy this entry and replace the GUID and create a new alias?
Where can I defined a new alias?
(Later I want to open this Com Object in PowerShell)
I'm trying to do a simple PowerShell script to access the registry and I'm doing it like this:
Foreach ($key in Get-Childitem HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\"{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}") {
There's a bunch of keys that are just digits (the ones I want) but then there's one named "Properties" wh...
I'm new to PowerShell and I can't seem to find how to fix this after countless Google searches. I know it's probably easy, but here's basically what I want to do and the error that shows:
PS C:\Windows\system32> $path = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
Get-Childitem $path -ErrorActio...
I wrote an application that stores several things in the registry. When I first started, I added them to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, but kept getting permission errors writing to the. So, it was suggested that I use HKEY_CURRENT_USER, that worked until I realized that I am not able to access them from another account. How can I write to the regi...
Is it possible to add a startup entry in the windows registry with a runas argument? So when it launches, it runs with the user specified?
how to hide the Clock and Control Panel in Windows-CE 5.0
by C# code or any registry value ?
thank's in advance
In a VB.NET application that runs as a service, I am getting a value of "Nothing" returned when I use Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(). The same code executes correctly when the application runs in desktop mode. I am not much on VB.NET and unfortunately, this is not my code.
Dim regURL As String = "Software\MyCompany\" + _
I'm writing a simple vb6 button which tests the access of the registry values.
I have the following:
Private Function registry_read(key_path, key_name) as variant
Dim registry as object
set registry = CreateObject("WScript.shell")
registry_read = registry.regread(key_path & key_name)
End function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
By default, a basic MFC C++ project in Visual Studio 2010 will store all its workspace settings in the HKCU registry hive under a user-configurable key name. This includes last window size/position, ribbon settings, status bar, etc.
How can you disable this feature completely so as to not write to the registry at all?
I tried not sett...
Hi people. I know this has been asked before, but I've never found a solution to this. I created an Addin in Visual Studio for Outlook 2007. I created an Installer and copied the files and created the registry values. It installs perfectly on the developer computer and it uninstalls perfectly as well. But on the second computer, which is...
I have a program which writes to the HKCU registry key during startup. Does this require administrator privileges in Vista and Win7?
Is it possible to retrieve the path to My Documents folder with Inno setup?
I tried to retrieve the path via registry
RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders', 'Personal', path);
But it returned: %USERPROFILE%\Mina dokument. When I tried to use it as install path it didn't work...
I use this code to know if a key exists or not :
if RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Autodesk') then
MsgBox('Key exists!!', mbInformation, MB_OK);
for this exemple, it works, i have the message box, but with this it doesn't:
if RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Autodesk\Maya') then
Possible Duplicate:
how can i make my product as a trial version for 30 days ?
Dear all,
Recently I have developed a software for windows and I want to make a trial version out of it for advertisement. The trial version I have in mind should be runnable only for 30 days for example. I myself have an idea about saving the time...
Need to Create a Registry Key using bat file.Can I create Reg Key using Command prompt or a bat file.
The main purpose behind this , I want to create envoirment variable using bat file.