
.NET RegistrySecurity API handling of non-canonical ACLs: Handling approach

I'm attempting to add in an access rule to a RegistryKey like so: using ( RegistryKey registry = OpenOrCreateMyKey() ) { RegistrySecurity security = registry.GetAccessControl(); security.AddAccessRule( new RegistryAccessRule( new SecurityIdentifier( WellKnownSidType.BuiltinUsersSid, null ), RegistryRights.WriteKe...

Getting the registry key value at runtime in visual studio Registry

Hi, I want to read a registry key value (key entry for the Microsoft Excel installation path) at runtime using visual studio 2008 registry, under project setup and deployment. I want to get the key value (path) to a variable so that I can copy a file to that folder. I can not hard code it. How can I do that?? Thanks & Regards, Isuru ...

deleting registry key, using Visual Studio 2008 setup and deployment project in windows 7

I have created a setup and deployment project in Visual Studio 2008 Professional. I'm using Visual C++, and in it I have two exe files which run under custom actions. One is running in commit and other in uninstall. Purpose is to add a registry key at install time and remove it at uninstall. It works perfectly on Windows XP but when I ch...

UAC on Win Server 2008 causing me a headache!

My installer deploys a configuration exe which is used to do some basic configuration on a windows service which is also installed. The exe also needs to create and write some registry keys. On a Windows server 2008 environment these keys can't be created. I have investigated and found that this is an Administrator privilege, and the exe...