
Problem passing querystring from from silverlight to http handler

I am using Silverlight 3 beta and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 for this. In the web application (Server side) I have a HTTP handlter ImageFetcher.ashx which expects an ID parameter from the query string and retrieves the data from database and writes it to output stream. This is working fine and I have tested it with a test aspx page adding a...

Should I use relative path for pages within the site? or it doesn't matter?

Hi I was just wondering what is the best way to define urls linking to pages within a domain name. For example, for domain .. I can have links like <a href=""&gt;test&lt;/a&gt; or <a href="test.html">test</a> One of the issues, which I came across was that while using templates .. if I...

Relative Paths in Winforms

Relative paths in C# are acting screwy for me. In one case Im handling a set of Texture2d objects to my app, its taking the filename and using this to locate the files and load the textures into Image objects. I then load an image from a relative path stored in the class file and use a relative path that needs to be relative to Content/g...

Resolving a relative path from py:match in a genshi template

<py:match path="foo"> <?python import os href = select('@href').render() SOMEWHERE = ... # what file contained the foo tag? path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(SOMEWHERE), href) f = file(path,'r') # (do something interesting with f) ?> </py:match> ... <foo href="../...

how can i resolve a relative path in both a web/windows app in c#

I have an assmebly that will be used in both a desktop app and an website. I need to deal with relative paths (local files, not urls) in either situation. How can i implement this method? string ResolvePath(string path); Under a web envronment, id expect the method to behave like this (where d:\wwwroot\mywebsite is the folde...

How can I get the absolute path of my Perl program from its relative path?

I need to find the full path to the Perl script I'm currently running, i.e. for ~/dir/ I would need it to be "/home/user/dir/". The $0 will give me "~/dir/". for ./ I would still need "/home/user/dir/" etc. Thanks! ...

Does using ./ in relative links work with Windows servers?

Sorry if this is a stupid question... I've developed an application that creates absolute links by prepending urls with the site root (of whichever site it is hosted). For example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=SITE_ROOT?>/assets/css/global.css"> Notice that a slash is coming after site root. I need to convert this now to be relat...

netbeans : add library permanently

Hi I work in a group project and after every checkout I have to remove and add the javamail api..(because the path is relative) how can i make it IN the Project folder? This is how i add the library : right click on librarys folder Add/jar Folder.. Choose the mail.jar But when my collegue checks this out... he get's problems. How ca...

Issue Working w/ Relative Path in Excel 2007 VBA

I am working with Excel 2007 and the following suggestion from this site has not worked: Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Chapter 7 - 10 MECHANICAL.xls" I have also tried the following code w/ no luck as well: Workbooks.Open Filename:=app.Path & "Chapter 7 - 90 ECS 1 LLC.xls" The files are in the same path as the work...

Trying to import a module that imports another module, getting ImportError

In, I have this import statement: import components.db_init as db In components/, I have this import statement: # import locals from ORM (Storm) from storm.locals import * And in components/storm/, it has this: from import Bool, Int, Float, RawStr, Chars, Unicode, Pickle from storm.prope...

ASP.NET: Path.Combine with relative paths

I'm trying to convert "~/Uploads/Images/" to an absolute path I can create a FileStream from. I've tried VirtualPathUtility and Path.Combine but nothing seems to give me the right path. The closest I got was VirtualPathUtility.ToAppRelative, but that was just the file's location as a direct child of C:. There must be a way to do this. ...

Giving relative path to java applet param

How can i tell this java applet to take the .jar file from the same folder where the .html file is? I have tried every possible way i know, and only "http://localhost/blabla/some.jar" or "file:///c:/blabla/some.jar" works in that case, so i need to type the absolute path every time. Is it possible to make it working with the relative p...

How to assign chdir to a variable in .bat?

I'm trying to translate a bash script into a .bat script. The specific line I'm tripping over is this: X=`pwd` What is the .bat equivalent? I need to take the directory that the script is currently running in as a variable so I can use a generic relative path to find files in the directory. I'm running on Windows-XP in the command ...

Difference between ../ and ..// in a file path

Hi, I am using a relative file path in one of the cs file to get a location to save an image. Is there any difference in using ../ and ..// for getting the path. ...

Using Server.MapPath in external C# Classes in ASP.NET

I'm trying to get the absolute path of certain files in a C# class. Server.MapPath works great of course for ASPX and their code-behind pages, but that doesn't exist in another class file. I tried HostingEnvironment.MapPath(), but that complains that the relative virtual path isn't allowed. Any thoughts? System.Web is already importe...

Visual Studio: Relative Assembly References Paths

When adding a reference to an assembly located within the solution directory, is there any way to add it relatively, so that when checked in and out of a repository it is referenced in projects correctly? ...

PHP: How to resolve a relative url

I need a function that given a relative URL and a base returns an absolute URL. I've searched and found many functions that do it different ways. resolve("../abc.png", "") # returns Is there a canonical way? On this site I see great examples for python and c#, lets get a...

How can I get MIDL to search additional include directories for qualified paths

Update: Just over six months after opening a support call to Microsoft it has been rejected, they claim it is not a bug (since the documentation doesn't explicitly say that the behaviour seen isn't the correct one). They rejected the DCR saying that since they haven't heard any complaints in the last 10 years this is obviously not an com...

php fopen relative path broken - mystery

I know "something must have been changed" but my code seems to have broken over night for no reason. My server directory structure is something like this: / /scripts /audit /other_things I have a script (let's say it's called "/scripts/MyScript.php") in the "scripts" folder which gathers data from a webpage using curl, an...

How to keep relative filepaths intact, even though I'm bootstrapping

Hey SO, I'm trying to include a premade messageboard, Phorum, into one of my Zend projects. Phorum is a relatively large and intricate web of PHP includes. My website already has a signup, so I'm trying to combine the two login systems into one. What I've done is to make a controller that includes the Phorum index.php. This will l...