
Simple protocol for remote process startup/shutdown

I'm looking for a simple protocol to control remote processes from one managing application. The remote processes will run on Windows and Linux (x86). Is there a simple protocol for managing remote processes, for which I could find daemons that run on both Windows and Linux? ...

Protocol for remote process management

In short: Is there any known protocol for remote process management? I have a system that contains several applications, each has it's own computer in a local network. When the applications are up and running, they communicate without any problems. What I'm interested in is a protocol to manage the remote applications startup, shutdown...

Set the working folder for a remote process using WMI

I'm using this article to start a process on a remote machine using WMI. How can I control the working directory that process will start in? (No need to redirect me to psexec, I'm getting an error from it, currently trying the WMI approach). ...

Wait for a remote process to finish in .net

We all know and love Process.WaitForExit(). Given a pid of a process on a remote machine (created by WMI/psexec), how do I wait for it to end? ...

Starting remote processes in a Windows network

I have several slave machines and a master machine which together run a distributed application. Processes on each slave machine have to have a GUI and network access (I think it would be called an interactive process then). For ease of use it would be nice if the master machine could start/stop the processes on those slave machines. My...

Redirect Standard Output from Remote Process

I am currently launching a remote process using the following code (in C#): ConnectionOptions connOptions = new ConnectionOptions(); connOptions.EnablePrivileges = true; connOptions.Username = userName; connOptions.Password = password; ManagementScope manScope = new ManagementScope(String.Format(@"\\{0}\ROOT\CIMV2", remoteMachine), con...

Create process in a Remote Desktop session?

How do I invoke a process in a specific remote desktop session so that it will start in that particular context using C# ...

Best method for seeing if SQL Server 2000 processes are running?

We have an old SQL Server 2000 machine where a bunch of jobs run overnight. Occasionally, after server maintenance is performed and the machine is rebooted, some SQL components don't come up with the OS (even though they are configured to do so). So before our nightly jobs are supposed to run, I would like to (from a remote machine) run ...