
Remove second class from an element and add another class

Hi, $(document).ready ( function () { $(".MenuItem").mouseover ( function () { // Remove second class and add another class [ Maintain MenuItem class ] // Eg: For div1 remove Sprite1 and then add Sprite1Dis and for div2 // remove Sprite2 and add Spprite2Dis }); $(".MenuItem").mouseout ( function () ...

JQuery Close Event remove class from table row

Hi all, I currently have a table with rows that contain a clickable link. When a user clicks a link from any table row JQUery's UI Modal DIalog popups up and i add a class to the clicked links parent tr called 'highlight'. What i'd like to be able to do is remove this class from the row when the JQuerys UI Dialog is closed. Does any one...

jquery 'remove class' - trying to remove all elements with a particular class

Hello, So I have 2 divs, each with n-elements. There are n-pairs of elements across the 2 divs. Each pair uses the same 'class'. Is it possible to remove a particular pair at a time? I currently am using the following code: function leaveGroup(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); var f = $(e).parentNode; // R...

jQuery adding and removing 'active' classes plus hover

I have a definition list with thumbnails. They are 50% opacity with a 'thumb' class. When hovered 100% opacity. When clicked 100% opacity plus change 'thumb' to 'thumbactive' class So far my crappy code works, only thing is I can not get the tn on 100% on click. dl { width: 700px; } dt { clear: left; float: right; widt...

Changing background color of table rows based on click event with jquery

When the document is ready to be manipulated, jquery adds a class to every even row, and another to every odd row, in order to visually see the different rows. But whenever I update (sort based on header) the rows, they don't update no matter what i try. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function( ) { $('table ...

Nested element won't remove parent class

The class is set on an <li> by it being clicked. Now a nested element (<button>) will not remove the class from it's parent. Thanks in advance. $(document).ready(function() { $('.pickOne li').click(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); }); $('.settingsCancelBtn').click(function() { $(this).parent()...

JQuery Find #ID, RemoveClass and AddClass

Hi Guys, I have the following HTML <div id="testID" class="test1"> <img id="testID2" class="test2" alt="" src="some-image.gif" /> </div> I basically want to get to #testID2 and replace .test2 class with .test3 class ? I tried jQuery('#testID2').find('.test2').replaceWith('.test3'); But this doesn't appear to work ? A...

jQuery - addClass or removeClass - Is there an append class?

I have css hover over images for my tabs and I'm trying to get the class to change from .how to .how_on when I click on the image HOW. My tabs are HOW | WHAT | WHEN | WHO | WHY I have classes for each (.how, .how_on), (.what, .what_on), etc... Can I make jQuery add _on to the original class name using click(function(){}); ? ...

how to loop through menu and remove class and then add class to current menu item

Hi all I have this menu structure that is used to navigate through content slider panels. <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#1" class="cross-link highlight">Bliss Fine Foods</a></li> <li><a href="#2" class="cross-link">Menus</a></li> <li><a href="#3" class="cross-link">Wines</a></li> <li><a href="#4" class="cross-l...

Jquery removeClass Not Working

Hey, My site is here: What I have going is a news ticker on the right that is inside a jquery function. The function starts right away and extracts the news ticker and then retracts it as it should. When a navigation it adds a class to the div, which the function then checks for to see if it should stop extracting/...

JQuery removeClass wildcard

Is there any easy way to remove all classes matching, for example, color-* so if I have an element: <div id="hello" class="color-red color-brown foo bar"></div> after removing, it would be <div id="hello" class="foo bar"></div> Thanks! ...

Is there a way to automatically add classes in multi-level lists with jQuery?

I have a multi-level lists like this: <ul> <li>Item 1 <ul> <li>Item 1's 1st Child <ul> <li>Item 1's 1st Grandchild <ul> <li>Item 1's Grand Grandchild</li> </ul> </li> ...

jQuery Filterable Portfolio: not load all <li> items

I'm puzzled on how to work this so not all of the <li> items load on a page refresh. The filtering works fine on each link selection in the <ul> "filter", but on a page reload, all <li> items show, not just the filtered. Code is from HTML: ...

jquery dynamic id selector, remove then add class

Hi I have a table, with rows which all have a cell of a div with a dynamically generated id in the format of btn-insertidhere. When the table row is selected, I want to select this div id, then remove a class and change it to another one. This is down to me wanting to have a button image change from an add symbol to a delete symbol whi...

Change css class with JQuery \ Watermark

My application is trying to show a text watermark in a textbox on a form, but I don't want to touch the actual value of the box. So, I'm trying to use a background image with the watermark text, using classes; .watermarkon input { background-image: url('../forms/images/TypeNameWatermark.png'); background-repeat:no...

Exclude a link from an addClass script.... NEED HELP :-)

I need to EXCLUDE a link from the selected class in this script. Can anyone show me how to exclude a link with a .logo class? Checkout the links and the logo for the home link: link text $(document).ready(function() { $('a.panel').click(function () { $('a.panel').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); ...

jQuery remove similar classes

Is there any better way to rewrite this ? $('element').removeClass('class-1').removeClass('class-2').removeClass('class-3').removeClass('class-5') ... to .removeClass('class-105') :) i want to remove all class-(n) classes Thanks ...

Need help to highlight a specific cell of a table and unhighlight onother cell if highlighted.

So, I will explain a bit further. I have a table with different cells. What I need to do is that when the user clicks on the cell, that cell would change its class and highlight. That is working perfect. The thing is I need is to unhighlight that cell if another cell is clicked. All cells has the "unselected" class by default. When cl...

jQuery removeClass duration not working?

I have a paragraph set with the following style: .design_info_box p.design_info_desc { height:30px; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow:hidden; } With this, you can see the first 2 lines of text with a button to "read more" which expands the paragraph to show the rest of the text. Here is the code for the button: $(".read-...