
Reordering list of jQuery objects to columns

Hello, I'm working on function, that takes a select from html and replaces it with multi-column ul - it's one list, but has float:left; on li children, so the number of columns is based on calculations (if ul width is 600 and li width is 200, i will obviously have 3 columns). That's theory - the easy part. Example: 5 items, 2 columns ...

Array reordering

I am trying to reorder an array (moving one item of 90 to the top, and move all the others down). Is there a way to do this? ...

SQL Server Clustered Index: (Physical) Data Page Order

I am struggling understanding what a clustered index in SQL Server 2005 is. I read the MSDN article Clustered Index Structures (among other things) but I am still unsure if I understand it correctly. The (main) question is: what happens if I insert a row (with a "low" key) into a table with a clustered index? The above mentioned MSDN a...

Matrix "Zigzag" Reordering

I have an NxM matrix in Matlab that I would like to reorder in similar fashion to the way JPEG reorders its subblock pixels: (referenced from here) I would like the algorithm to be generic such that I can pass in a 2D matrix with any dimensions. I am a C++ programmer by trade and am very tempted to write an old school loop to accomplis...

Silverlight Listbox reorder rownumber when drag and drop

Hi all. i have to show Rownumber with listbox item. i have implemented drag and drop functionality in listbox but now when 4th item is dragged and dropped to 3rd place... the srno should be rearranged ... so can i bind rownumber/listindex of listboxitem with the textbox i am using to display the srno? or is anything there through which...

Reordering tables nested rows

Hi, I am improving a CMS I have built and wish for the user to be able to reorder pages using drag and drop. I have table drag and drop for jquery: however I wish to be able to 'group' rows together and move them within only the group. In the CMS I have a list of top lev...

permuting the rows and columns of a matrix for clustering

i have a distance matrix that is 1000x1000 in dimension and symmetric with 0s along the diagonal. i want to form groupings of distances (clusters) by simultaneously reordering the rows and columns of the matrix. this is like reordering a matrix before you visualize its clusters with a heatmap. i feel like this should be an easy proble...

UITableView reordering stops working after returning from detail view

I'm having problems with reordering a UITableView. The tableview in question presents a playlist for video files. Data is stored in an NSMutableArray. Pushing the "move" button (UIBarButtonItem) enables reordering. Everything working so far. Pushing another button starts playing all the files in the table. Playback of the movie is initi...

Reordering XML Elements with jquery, then save XML file with php

How can I use something like jQuery & PHP to reorder elements within an xml file? The jQuery plugins below allow html table rows or list items to be swapped about, but I have no idea of how to save those changes back to an XML file with the click of a button.