
JETCOMP.EXE arguments

Hi, I want to compact an access MDB database file using JetComp.exe . I want to pass the name of the file ( and the destination file) to Jetcomp.exe . However, JetComp.exe does not seem to respond. I tried the following: jetcomp.exe -src:{"G:\my database.mdb"} -dst:"G:\my compacted database.mdb" ...

Repair Data Integrity

I think this is a long-shot, but here it goes: The basic question is: how does a development team beginning to repair data integrity on a large, damaged dataset? The company I'm helping out has a huge MySQL/PHP5 sytem with a few years of cruft, invalid data, broken references, etc. To top it all off, this data references data on a few ...

Mysql Views "In Use" Error?

Hi, I created views in mysql database. Now when i query with them i got error table "view name" is in use. in phpmyadmin it is showing in use where it shows record numbers. I tried repair-table option from PhpMyAdmin tool, but it gives error "it is not a table". i'm not able to take backup of my database. what can i do? ...

Visual Studio setup project along-side self-updating logic?

I'm looking to implement a setup package for my multi-project solution that installs a Windows Service as well as a Winforms application. Both the service and the application have an ability to update themselves via a custom web-based utility that I wrote. So basically, the Windows service updates its own DLL's on a regular basis if it ...

HTML validation/fix in C#

Hi, I need to check if a HTML document is correct, if all tags and attributes are ok (in C#). If not, try to fix malformed tags and/or attributes. Any suggestions for a library or tool that i can use? Thanks. ...

Repair a SQL Server 2000 MDF file

Hi, I had a SQL Server 2000 MDF on a SQL Server 2005 server (moved from prior version), there was a hardware failure. After sending harddisk, it was supposed the mdf / ldf files were recovered, but i am unable to attach. Something curious is that the MDF file has a date on disk from june 2010 and the problem happened in sept 2010. I ...

How to Fix a Stack Overflow & Please Describe in Layman's Terminology What/Where They exist

Hello-yet another pathetic newbie here-not to computers but after a bad illness, I feel like I've never done anything on a computer, just like starting over actually. While others have asked about stack overflows, and there have been replies(obvious correct ones), I am unable to get a grasp on the vernacular being used to describe stack...