
Finding the stored procedure that a Crystal Report is using

I need to retrieve the name of the stored procedure that a crystal report is running. Is there any way to do this in C# using the CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument object? I can't seem to find a property that will give me the stored procedure name. Is this even possible? I've been through almost all the properties ...

Crystal Report .NET font changing

I've designed a crystal report that will be sent to a specific (barcode) printer through a web interface. Allowing the report to be generated in the standard crystal report viewer was causing issues, so I am now using the code-behind to send the report directly to the printer. ReportDocument Report = new ReportDocument(); ...

Crystal Reports Max active instances

I'm having trouble loading (several) multiple instances of crystal's ReportDocuments in memory. Using the following code: Dim sRPT As New ReportDocument sRPT.Load("PATH\TO\MY.RPT") Dim sRPTs As New List(Of ReportDocument) For i = 0 To 100 Dim sClone As ReportDocument = sRPT.Clone ...