
How to change the SSRS input parameters position in report

My SSRS report contains 7 input parameters and while running my report the size of the parameter(i.e. length) is increasing. One of my input parameter(drop down list) may contain 100 characters so the size is not constant but i want to place all parameters in 2 lines or 3 lines(in a row). Now it is coming 2 parameters per a row Please...

Extended filed properties in a custom data provider with SSRS

Hello, I wrote a custom data provider for the SQL Server Reporting Services. I found many articles describing how to retrieve and use the extended properties, but nothing about how to set them in my custom data provider. So my question is, how can I define extended field properties, such as color and formatting, in my custom data pro...

Upload a report file to Report manager via .net application?

Hi all I want to upload report files via c# application to the report manager.(mean Like simple Upload, select a report file and then upload selected file into report manager). I use this sample and when i upload file an exception occurred the remote server returned an error: (401) unauthorized ** my code ** WebClient webclient = new ...

Reporting services - custom format

Greetings, inside one of the column I have values like the following: 9-7 9-18 9-142 At the moment, when I sort based on this column I have to following: 9-142 9-18 9-7 I would like to sort these values to be ordered as follows: 9-7 (so it would be 9-007) 9-18 (so it would be 9-018) 9-142 I tried to following format: =Format(...

Reporting services + report parameters and custom dropdown length

Hi, I have some report and plenty of parameters inside that report. One of parameter contains values stored inside dropdown list (that are downloaded from db). Is there any way I can set the maximum length of that dropdown control? The problem is that when I expand drop down list I have a horizonal scrollbar because some values inside...

Having trouble with a SQL report for Dynamics CRM

I am trying to create a statement like report for invoices, I have it so far that it displays the invoice and the amount due and also the payment if it has been paid, I have all this in a table with the invoice on 1 line and the payments on another with them grouped. What i really what to achieve is to have them ordered by date and for i...

SSRS Report Parameter Custom DataTypes

Hi, Our ASP.Net application connects to the a SSRS 2008 web service. The categories and reports are listed in a tree view in our application populated from a call to retrieve the list of reports from the web service. When a user selects a report the parameters of the report are retrieved and we render the appropriate control for the p...

Date Format in Reporing Services

Hi I need to convert this value usign expressions in reporting services From 20100804 to Day 04 , Month 08, Year 2010 Is this posible? Thanks ...

sales projection report using SSRS?

1,I want to create 12 month projection report defense on current year(12 month) sales using Reporting Service 2008. 2, This is my requirement but am not have any idea , how to do? 3, i want to create bar chart also , so please give me the idea what i want to do.... plz help me to do this report what r the think i mainly concentrat...

opening a file in the browser instead of downloading it

Im using ssrs through a reports server to generate a resultStream byte array using ReportExecutionService.Render() which I am currently serving to the user with the following code. Is there a way I can use this same byte array to automatically open the report in a new browser window instead of going to the save/open dialog? public vo...

Dynamic Columns In Reporting Services Tablix

I have a data query that returns data in the following format: Name Period Value ----------------------------- Bob Jan 123 Bob Feb 456 Bob Mar 789 Tom Jan 321 Tom Feb 654 Tom Mar 987 Joe Jan 147 Joe Feb 258 Joe Mar 369 The different p...

MS Reporting 2010: Use Multi-Value Drop-Down to Add/Subtract WHERE clause from SQL Query

I am currently trying to create a report in Visual Studio 2005 for MSSQL 2005. I need to provide a multi-valued drop-down box that would allow a user to select one or more options. If a user selects one or more of these options, my SQL statement would need to add a AND column = 'something' to my SQL query. I am wondering how I might acc...

Report data is not displayed - WPF

Hi, I have just started to make report in wpf, but getting following error An error occurred during local report processing. The report definition for report 'Project Path' has not been specified. Could not nto fild file 'File Path' here is my code private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<Model....

How can I get the label of a Range Bar Chart to move off of its default position with SQL Server Reporting Services

I have tried using both CustomAttributes settings and Smart Labels settings, but neither are working. Any thoughts? ...

Y axis Scaling Issue

Hi all, I have a problem scaling the y axis. I have a value axis and secondary axis and trying to compare two data. Now the thing I want the same scale for both the axis. Right now since its auto it cannot compare. Can anybody suggest how can I make both the axis with same scale. Tried even using the maximum value for the axis same bu...

Reporting platform for - with excel/pdf/word export

I am looking for a reporting platform for our application, which will allow the report to be exported in excel (for tabular data), or PDF/Word (for document reports like Invoice prints). Are there any standard options available? I tried Rdlc, but it does not seem to help in the second case (at least I dint see a way, if you ca...

How do I get the data from a List<string[]> object contained inside a business object into a chart in Microsoft Reports?

Hi, I have a data object that is bound to a Report. In this object I have a List object that I am parsing a CSV file into for use in a chart. The binding to all the other items in my data object works fine, I can see them in my data sources browser, but the List object is another story. I only see the properties a List object exposes in...

SSRS Report - Export to CSV

I am using ssrs 2005. I have a report with two tables. table1 col11 col12 col13 1 2 3 table2 col21 col22 col23 a b c d e f g h i It renders well on the report. When I export it to CSV, its exports this way table1,col11,col12,col13,table2,col21,col22,col23 - The headers on the first line ...

Deploying a web app and local reports just does not work?!

I implemented a report (Microsoft Reporting Services) functionality in my ASP.NET web app. Its local mode (report file extension is rdlc). There is custom code as well, its in a seperate DLL which is referenced by the reports. Localy everything works fine, but after deploying I get Error while loading code module.... I searched the net...

How do you create a SSRS 2008 R2 versioned Report?

I'm using VS 2008 with SQL Server 2008 R2 BIDS installed. My target Server version is SQL Server 2008 R2 I was looking at the RDL files today and noticed I have a mix of schemas. Some of my reports have: <Report xmlns:rd="" xmlns:cl="