
Blank Web Service Identity, SSRS, Configure Report Server

Hi, I am currently setting up a Sql Server Reporting Services onto a Windows 2000 server with IIS5 and SQL Server 2005. The only thing I cannot get to configure is the Web Service Identity, in that the ASP .NET Service Account is blank and is read only. I have tried adding the ASP account (machinename\ASPNET) into rsreportserver.config...

How can I display two rows worth of data on one line side-by-side in Report Designer?

I am using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, and I'm developing a report in Report Designer/Business Intelligence Studio. Right now I have a normal-looking table that displays data like this: ---------------- | A | B | C | ---------------- | A1 | B1 | C1 | ---------------- | A2 | B2 | C2 | ---------------- | A3 | B3 | C3 | --------...

Using SSRS 2008 web service calls across multiple threads

I'm trying to create a multi-threaded service that will render a large volume of reports to multiple output sources (file, ftp, email, etc), but I've run into a large problem. With SSRS 2000, render is a single call, allowing for each independent thread to run its own render. But with 2005 and 2008, Microsoft decided to split this into...

SSRS- charts colour coding

Hi, I have SSRS solution for SQL 2005 and 2008. I am showing output in the form of chart- column chart with each column representing different database. Is there a way to display each column in different color? Regards Manjot ...

Reporting services subreport column sorting failing

Hey All, I am working on a SSRS 2008 reporting solution and I am running into a problem with a subreport not interactively sorting columns with the report viewer control. The report itself is completely functional when it is not used as a subreport, but once I add it to another report as a subreport you cannot sort the columns w...

Report with sub-report not generating in Reporting Services 2005

This is my first attempt at employing sub reports and my overall experience with reporting services is minimal (edits to existing reports, creation of some basic reports). I have added a sub report to a an existing report. The sub report returns in about 1 second when tested separately. The query that powers it returns in less than a s...

Parameters in SSRS

I am trying to develop a report in SQL Server Reporting Services using parameters. I have no problem creating the parameters and running the reports, but I always have to select an item from each of the parameters to make it run. Can I have the option to leave one of the parameters blank and still have the report run? Right now when I ...

SSRS - Parameter to select the chart type to be displayed on web

Hi I'm looking for a parameter which allows a user to select the chart type (X-Y scatter plot, bar plot, line plot etc.) from a drop down menu on a website which is interfaced with SQL Server Reporting Services. Is there any such parameter available? If not then are there any other means to accomplish it? I'm using SQL Server 2008 an...

2 Datasets Same Parameters

Hi, I am trying to create two tables in my SSRS report. I have used 2 different packages with same parameters for the dataset creation. While executing the dataset2 (manually from data tab in the designer), it works fine and gives me field results. But while executing from report (clicking the view report), the second table, which uses...

Server Name not valid in Connect to Server: Reporting Services

I'm trying to step through the Data-Driven Report Subscription setup, but I can't get past Step 2 of Part 2. I get no options for Server name other than "browse", which only turns up two instances on the local network. I tried the alias I use when connecting to the Database Engine (via the SQL Server Configuration Manager), but won't w...

Resources for Analysis Server and Reporting Services

What are the best resources for Analysis Server and Reporting Services in your opinion? Community based or otherwise. ...

PDF Export problem in Reporting Services

I have come across an error when exporting a report to PDF in Reporting Services 2008. The error message is; Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error...

Sending SSRS credentials via C# application

I am currently working on a C# application for my company that goes out to our SSRS server, runs specific reports, formats the excel reports in the application, and then spits them out to a location. The application is working as intended and there is just one little annoyance. Every time a specific report type is run the credentials f...

CRM_URL Report Parameter is incorrect

I am building custom reports in Microsoft CRM and am using the CRM_URL parameter to created drill downs. However, the URL coming in is but it should be My understanding is that this value is dynamically passed in by MS CRM. How/where can I update this URL to ...

How can I trap "View Report" in ReportViewer (webforms) for SSRS ?

I am using ReportViewer.WebForms in page. I have the parameter toolbar showing up where I can select a parameter, it does a postback to get the next parameter (dependent on the first), and so forth. When I click the "View Report" button there is a postback and the report will display fine. All this works great. What I would li...

How to prevent items from going to another page in Reporting Services 2005

I currently have the following problem : i have two matrices in the same report, but the second keep going to a second page. In fact, at anytime, I would like all my documents to fit on one page only. The use of pages in html is just a pain, as it is in excel format, by the way. My question can thus also be rephrased as this : how to...

gaps between charts in Report Builder due to table beneath

This seems more of a SuperUser thing but I didn't see any Report Builder or SSRS tags there. Move if it's in the wrong place, please! When I create a report in Report Builder 2, I often have charts on top and then a table underneath. The problem I encounter is that some charts get shoved over to the right, seemingly due to the table w...

Is there a way to put subreports in headers in SSRS?

Every time I use a Microsoft product I feel like I'm delving deeper into some form of existential mental masochism. However, I'm forced to use the tools the company buys, anyway... I would like to use a sub report, since it gets used on many reports, in the header. However, sub reports won't go into the header and neither will field val...

How to use Floor/Ceiling in a ReportModel expression field?

I'm working in an SSRS 2005 Report Model Project. I want to create an expression field on a ReportModel that does the same as this C# method: private static int GetClosestWholeNumberToward0(double delta) { return (int) (delta > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(delta) : Math.Floor(delta)); } I tried this: IF(delta > 0, Ceiling(delta), Floor(delta...

SSRS 2005 How-to: Headers for groups within groups?

It seems pretty straight forward to get what I want. The data details display correctly but I can't get the headers to cooperate. I have n number of clients with their activity in the report. I want the client name in the header, and then the column names below that. But I either get columns repeating before every entry or no client na...