
How to activate a custom "Edit..." dialog for a Reporting Services data source connection string?

In SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services, we are developing our own custom data processing extension, using IDbConnection and friends, and we plan to add our own custom query designer, using IQueryDesigner. That all works fine, so far. However, we want to enable the use of the connection string "Edit..." button on the Data Source and S...

Reporting Services - handling an empty date?

Hey, I have a report parameter which looks like this: 01.01.2009 00:00:00 Its a date (as string), as you might have guessed :). The problem is, this param can be an empty string as well. So I tried those expressions: =IIf(IsDate(Parameters!DateTo.Value), CDate(Parameters!DateTo.Value), "") =IIf(Len(Parameters!DateTo.Value) > 0, CDate(...

Reporting Services conditionally hide fields

I have a report where I have about 5 fields right next to eachother that dont return data in about 90% of the reports. Is there a way to hide these fields if they are empty otherwise display them if they do contain data? Thanks ...

Create temp row for each row in existing table.

I have two tables. In the one table I have a list of dorm rooms with maximum occupancy like so: dorm_building | dorm_room | max_occupancy Then I have a list of students and the room they are assigned to like this: people_id | people_name | dorm_building | dorm_room I want to create a table that has a row for each potential occupant...

Ways to set different security permissions for SSAS from SSRS?

I have an SSAS cube with limited users. I don't want to grant any sort of access to the cube outside of those users. I have some SSRS reports that use the above SSAS cube as a data source. I want to give access to the reports to some users who don't have access to the cube. What credentials should I use for the cube data source? Since ...

Reporting services design

How i can change design of parameters value in SQL reporting services ? ...

Using different Datasources for different configurations in SSRS

Hi All I'm wondering if it's possible for SSRS reports to use different datasources depending on what configuration is being used? So, for example, if I'm using the 'DebugLocal' configuration, the reports would use a different database than if I'm using the 'Production' configuration. Thanks Bryan ...

SSRS 2008 DateTime format issue

Hi, I have a web page accessing the SSRS web service and I have some sample reports created. These reports have some datetime parameters with Available Values specified i.e. 17/07/2009 Report Manager runs the reports perfectly. When I access the report in my web page and retrieve the parameters the available values for the datetime p...

Web-based Reporting Tools (similar to Tableau)

Hello all. I am looking for a reporting tool for my end users to build their own reports using their data which is stored in a MySQL DB. I have researched this on stackoverflow and most of the solutions seem to be desktop apps or web-based services which allow you to upload data which is not an options. I would prefer this software ...

SSRS Web Service LoadReport() Exception Being Thrown

I am getting the following exception when calling the LoadReport() method of the ReportExecutionService2005 web service provided by SSRS 2005; System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction Any ideas what may cause this? My C# code looks like this; string _reportName = "/Folde...

Reporting Services - export to Excel in landscape format?

Hey, is there a way to export XLS files in landscape format by default? Thanks :-) ...

disable datafeed in reporting services 2008R2 toolbar

hi there it seems I can't find the option or the file with the setting to remove the Icon for the ATOM FEED export of the Report. I am using the SSRS version included in the MSSQL Express Advanced download. Is this the problem? Or do i have to configure this somewhere directly in the database? I read in another post that I should be a...

How to get rid of unwanted scrollbars in an SSRS reports within an Iframe and increased Windows display size?

We run an web-app with built-in SSRS reports, which are integrated via an Iframe. A user has set her display percentage to 150% in Windows 7. (Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display). She is displaying the webpage with the report in Firefox and she has to scroll horizontally and vertically within the Iframe to view th...

Open report link URL in new window in SSRS does not work

I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services in SharePoint 2010 integrated mode. I am trying to set the action (navigation) for a text box to go to a URL and open an new window and ultimately pass a parameter to it. However, I am not even able to open a simple URL in a new window. This is what I have been trying for the expression:...

MicroSoft Reporting Services: hide footer depending on export format?

I'm using MicroSoft Reporting Services (MSRS) 2008. Currently I'm designing reports that can be rendered both as PDF and Exel, which works fine in general. If I define a footer in the designer, I'll see it in PDF and do not see it on the Excel sheet. Although when I print out the Excel file, the footer is there again (in the page preview...

From a one to many SQL dataset Can I return a comma delimited list in SSRS?

I am returning a SQL dataset in SSRS (Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services) with a one to many relationship like this: ID REV Event 6117 B FTG-06a 6117 B FTG-06a PMT 6117 B GTI-04b 6124 A GBI-40 6124 A GTI-04b 6124 A GTD-04c 6136 M GBI-40 6141 C GBI-40 I would like to display it as a comma d...

Extracting .htm files from SSRS

I have inherited a SQL Server 2005 installation with some .htm files which I need to extract as the originals are missing. Is it possible to do this? ...

ssrs multiple datasets - master detail

Hi, I'm working on migrating all of our reporting solutions to SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2. I have a problem with one of the reports which builds a CP12 - for readers outside the UK, this is a Gas Safety certificate. The report has two data sets, one containing the tenant and landlord details, the other containing a list of ...

SQL Server Reporting Service: can anyone explain this strange behaviour when counting rows with RowNumber?

While my initial problem counting the running number of rows in a table has already been solved, I would still like to know the origin of the following behaviour in SQL Server Reporting Service (I hope the example is clear enough): I created a report with the following dataset: select 1 AS Column1, 'First' AS Column2 union select 2 AS ...

Passing Multivalue results between reports

Hi Stackoverflow First Question asked I have a SSRS 2005 report containing a number of matrices, each looking at different datasets and different groupings. however the end result is the same in that they are essentially doing a count of the same ID within each group what i'm trying to do is use the navigation feature to jump into a ...