
What are your best practices for ensuring the correctness of the reports from SQL?

Part of my work involves creating reports and data from SQL Server to be used as information for decision. The majority of the data is aggregated, like inventory, sales and costs totals from departments, and other dimensions. When I am creating the reports, and more specifically, I am developing the SELECTs to extract the aggregated dat...

application reporting.

I am just wondering, should i build the reporting engine inside my web application or i should use a third party tool that users will login to and access reports? what is the best case. Which java reporting tools do you guys use and for what reason? i am familiar with jasper and i have used it but its on GPL license so i dont intend to...

Printing from web pages (reports especially) with greater precision.

Hello. I am re-engineering a windows application to be ported to web. One area that has been worrying is 'printing'. The application is data intensive and complex reports need to be generated. The erstwhile windows application takes advantage of printer APIs and extends sophisticated control to the users. It supports functions like page...

How to Format Code in Research Reports

I am currently writing a formal research report, and I'll be including code with this report. Question: Is there an accepted way of displaying code in research reports? I'm thinking both in terms of font, spacing, et cetera, and whether the code should be displayed inside the document, or in an appendix. The code will be JavaScript and...

I am looking for good free reporting tool for MYSQL databases (web or windows)

Hi Can anyone please suggest me a good free mysql based reporting tool which works either on web or windows? Thanks and Regards ...

Need help with my report (rdlc)

Hi In my report there is a table and a line. the table is showing rows of data from my DB. I want to know how you could make the table size commensurate with the line (make the length of the line is equal to the length of the table) I set the property "RepeatWith" in the line properties to the table in my report, but this isn't worki...

Sales by Category in Magento?

We have a category called "Clearance" on our Magento website. Ideally it would be nice to be able to get a report of all orders sold in that category. Is there anyway I can join the orders collection with the products collection and filter by category id? Here is a similar thread:

Idea for a user friendly/non technical RAD tool for performing queries and reports on Database

I am investigating for a tool that allows a user to perform in a user friendly way queries to database for extracting datas and creating reports. Primary requirement is that we can't know queries users are going to do. So we need to design a flexible UI allowing them to specify in a non technical way. My question is: do you know any to...

jasper reports, formatting field data color based on condition

Hi all, I'm new to Jasper Reports. I'm designing report using iReports. My requirement is I have two values(Fields) x,y to compare. if x < y then the data color for y should be changed to 'black' & if greater then data color of y should be changed to 'red'. please advice me as to how to proceed on this & where to validate.This requrie...

Working with Jasper Reports

Hi all, can I integrate the jasper report viewer to my swing application as like if I click on view report button from my application then viewer should be opened. If so could you advise me with code snippet for this integration and in this viewer the save as type should be restricted for PDF only rather than every other download option...

Trying to open a excel template and rename or save to new location

I get the following error message when I try the following: Dim XL As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application XL.Visible = True XL.Workbooks.Open(XLTemplatePath) XL.SaveWorkspace(XLSaveReportPath) XL.Workbooks.Close() XL.Workbooks.Open(XLSaveReportPath) "Excel cannot open the file 'ContactReports.xlsx' b...

What is a good reporting service for a simple database/hobbyist setup?

I have a meager production environment running on my PC for a little application that I work on in my spare time. At this point I have the basics setup, MySQL, junit, svn... I am midway through development and I now need to generate various reports (not development/logging/event reports). These reports are based on what data is in the da...

How to add datasource to a report in VS2010?

In VS2008 we have menu Report->Data Sources... which opens "Report Data Sources" from here we can see Project data sources & we can add them into our report by pressing "Add to Report". but in VS2010 RC there is no such thing like this (no Data Sources... option inside Report menu) any help? ...

Reports in

Hi, I developed one report, that contains centers, months, and total leads and total sales. Report is executed and working properly. Now the issue with this is i want the report like.... Center1 Center2 Center3.............. SaleDate TotalLeads Total...

Data Collection (Offline - no internet) and then syncing it to generate reports from server

So, I have a new project I am planning on taking, and needed to know what skills will be required to achieve this project. The project is to do intensive data collection in the field where they don't have internet access. As part of the data collection, images will be uploaded as part of the data collection which will have to be resized...

Reports in MS Access after compiling into MDE file

I am currently working on a MS Access 2003 mdb file which is converted to an mde file before being published. How do I go about enabling the reports function of MS Access once this is converted? or better still is there a alternative to the reporting in MS Access? opensouce or free? Thanks in advnace. MB ...

How to schedule HTML or TXT report format in OpenReports?

I am using OpenReports with a simple query (QueryReports) to generate reports. Once generated, only CSV, Excel and PDF are offered as formats for scheduled emails. Would anyone know how to enable HTML or TXT for emailing? The version is 3.0. ...

Java .doc generation

Hi, anyone knows an easy method to generate mail merge .doc file from Java? So, I want to create a Word (95/97) document in Word, put some simple placeholders in it (only single value, no iterators and other advanced tags) like the ones used with mailmerge option, and then at runtime replace those placeholders with values from Java. ...

Report Generator using templates

Hi all I'd like to a suitable programming language/software that I can use to generate a report of PDF/DOC using a template of my choice. As I currently have to manually edit, add things in report, I like to automate it by softwares. Thank you. ...

Can Crystal Reports IBlobFieldObject in .NET be resized without skewing scale?

The crux of my problem is this: I'm using Crystal Reports (bundled) with Visual Studio .NET 2008. I'm using an IBlobFieldObject for a dynamically loaded picture. What I'm doing works perfectly, EXCEPT for the following issue: The default size of the field object is creating a problem for me, because the 1" by 1" square is sticking ou...