
C# Can i modify Request.Form's variables?

i try Request.Form.Set(k, v) but it's throw exception Collection is read-only ...

Why is ValidateInput(False) not working?

I am converting an application I created using webforms to the mvc framework using I have a problem with one of my views. I get the yellow screen of death saying "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" when I submit my form. I am using tinymce as my RTE. I have set on the view itself ...

Results of Request.Form if the requested input is blank

Hi, When I use Request.Form("myInput") and the input field "myInput" is blank, I get a server error. How do I handle this? Is there a way to check if "myInput" has not been filled? ...

jquery $post posts page, but Request.Form is null

I have few input fields in a form. after some validation, I use jquery to post the page. $.post("Myproduct.aspx?action=1"); The post appears to go through. But when I debug the server code, the request.form[] is null. Has any one had this problem? ...

Finding File data from POST in C#

This is probably something blatantly obvious that I'm just missing. Help me, SO! I'm trying to access file data submitted via POST from a web form (not the built in C# ones though.) I have no idea how to do this, and MSDN is singularly unhelpful in this matter. Here's the three things I've tried so far: Request["file"]; Request.Form["...

Retrieval of input type=password Request.Form["strPassword"] gives null

Are there any special considerations trying to read up data from an HTML form where the element is an input type="Password"? When a ColdFusion page POSTs my handler with form data I am getting null for the password instead of the typed value. Here is the key line from the larger block below: string password = context.Request.Form["str...

Pass hiddenfield value within a WizardSteps control to next site

Hey Im having some problems with sending a value to the next site on a submit. I think the problem is that the hiddenfield is placed inside a WizardSteps control, but i dont know. Here is the html code: <asp:WizardStep runat="server" ID="Complete" Title="Trin 4" OnActivate="OnLoad_Step4"> <div class="OrderComfirmation"> ...

How to traverse through Request.Form without knowing any details?

I want to spit out everything in Request.Form so I can just return it as a string and see what I am dealing with. I tried setting up a for loop... // Order/Process // this action is the submit POST from the pricing options selection page // it consumes the pricing options, creates a new order in the database, // and passes the user off ...

How can I retrieve the values of controls in the form that posted?

I know this has got to be the simplest-sounding question ever asked about ASP.Net but I'm baffled. I have a form wherein my visitor will enter name, address, etc. Then I am POSTing that form via the PostBackUrl property of my Submit button to another page, where the fields are supposed to be all re-formed into new hidden fields, then P...