
javascript: cancel all kinds of requests

My website makes a lot of requests. I often need to cancel all current requests, so that the browser is not blocking relevant new requests. I have 3 kinds of requests: Ajax inserted script-tags (which do JSONP-Communication) inserted image-tags (which cause the browser to request data from various servers) For Ajax its no problem as...

ASP.Net MVC RC Unit Testing Ajax Requests

We have just started using ASP.Net MVC Release Candidate and the test project we have was previously testing Ajax requests with MVC beta. The old code looked something like this: Mock<HttpRequestBase> request = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>(); Mock<HttpResponseBase> response = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>(); Mock<HttpContextBase> context = n...

Dropping outdated WCF responses in Silverlight

In Silverlight I got the following problem. If you fire multiple requests to the web service, the responses might not return in an ordered sequence. Meaning if the first request takes longer than the following ones, its response will return at last: 1. Sending request A.. (takes longer for some reason) 2. Sending request B.. 3. Sending ...

Some browsers send POST followed by GET requests

My Servlet app. gets called twice every time the user submits a form: The first time with a POST request, and immediately after, with a GET request (both requests with the same URI). This problem appears to be independent of the app server (I've tried with tomcat-6.0 and with resin.2.1). The problem seems to be browser related: The pro...

Request methods on https-server

Hey everyone, I don't know whether my title is correctly articulated, but I have following problem: I have a self-written Java webserver, that handles incoming client requests. It works fine with all the request methods (GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE, ...). It also works fine with sending files and stuff when I use http. GET and POST...

http listeners inside threads

Hello I am writing a web service which has to be able to reply to multiple http requests. From what I understand, I will need to deal with HttpListener. What is the best method to receive a http request(or better, multiple http requests), translate it and send the results back to the caller? How safe is to use HttpListeners on threads?...

Joining ajax results?

I need to generate a result from 2 XMLHttpRequests. How can I make the requests concurrently and wait for them to both finish? I've though of something like... resp1=""; req1.onreadystatechange=function(){if(this.readyState=4)resp1==this.responseText;} req2.onreadystatechangefunction(){if(this.readyState=4) finish(this.responseText);} ...

How to make the completion of php request start another request based on the result of the first?

A user is presented with a box. He enters a string and presses OK. He gets sent to the results page where there are some asynchronous calls to php scripts for the results. But, on the same page, there are other fields that also need to start a php request, but they need to have the result of the first request first. In other words, Pa...

Maximizing the number of true concurrent / parrallel http requests in Silverlight

Hi all. I'm using SL 4 beta and my app needs to do a lot of small http requests to the server. I believe that when exceeding the number of allowed concurrent requests, the subsequent requests are put in a queue. I am also aware that SL 4 has both a http browser stack and a http client stack, with both different limit in terms of the num...

Trouble making OAuth signed requests

Hello, I am able to successfully make non-authenticated and protected calls to the Netflix API. I am having a little trouble making signed requests to the catalog, however. Using the OAuth Test page, it is clear to me that my Base String is correct. My request URL is also correct, except for the oauth_signature. The oauth_signature is t...

GUI designers! - got suggestions for a GUI modelling diagram language?

Refering to this question I asked a while ago: UI functionality modeling languages It looks like there is no good-enough solution. I decided to develop one. (and prepare a set of elements for DIA or something) I'm sure it will require a good insight in peoples' experiences and problems in designing functionally complicated GUIs. I've...

Limiting the maximum number of concurrent requests django/apache

Hi, I have a django site that demonstrates the usage of a tool. One of my views takes a file as input and runs some fairly heavy computation trough an external python script and returns some output to the user. The tool runs fast enough to return the output in the same request though. I would however want to limit how many concurrent re...

How to handle concurrent web requests

I am having a simple webservice running in my local system, hosted in IIS 6.0. This webservice is accessible from any other system (within LAN and Internet) and everything works fine as long as the number of systems accessing my webservice is very much limited. Whereas, if more number of users (say 500) are concurrently trying to acces...

.htaccess or PHP protection code against multiple speedy requests

Hi, I am looking for ideas for how I can stop external scripts connecting with my site. I'm looking for the same kind of idea behind Google. As in if a certain amount of requests are made per a certain amount of time then block the IP address or something. I thought there maybe a htaccess solution if not, I will write a PHP one. Any id...

Limit MySQL requests

Context: A Java client-side application needs to access a server-side MySQL database. Need: Limit the possible number of requests to the database for each client (based on the client's IP). Question 1: Is it possible to do this just by changing the MySQL database settings? Question 2: Is it a good idea to allow access to the database ...

HTML5 Audio Player makes multiple GET requests when loading. Why?

I have been working on a jquery plugin that uses a HTML5 audio player () to play back mp3's. I noticed that in various browsers multiple GET requests were made for the same MP3 file when the audio player was loaded. I created a simple standalone HTML file to test this out. <html> <head></head> <body> <audio controls src="http://lo...