
What R# setting is reformatting this line?

VS2010 / R#5.1 I have this "line" of code: With.Mocks(_mocks).Expecting(() => { _fooServiceMock.Expect(x => x.FooMethod()).Return(fooMockData); }).Verify(() => { }); I perform a R# code cleanup, which changes the code as follows: With.Mocks(_mocks).Expecting(() => { _fooServiceMock.Expect(x => x.FooMethod()).Return(fooMockData)...

Resharper bug when referencing silverlight assembly from CLR class library

I'm starting with a new application using silverlight and the first problem I have with Resharper is in my unit test project. My configuration is: -> Resharper 5.1.1727.12 -> MyProject.Tests (CLR 4.0) nunit.framework.dll (CLR 2.0) moq.dll (CLR 4.0) MyProject.Silverlight (Silverlight 4.0) The test project compiles, no errors and th...

ReSharper search pattern: "Can not parse pattern"

R# 5.1.1751.8 When I perform a pattern search for... catch (Exception e) {} ...I'm shown an error dialog which says "Can not parse pattern". What about that pattern cannot be parsed? What am I doing wrong? ...

VS: cursor position when override method is generated

My cursor (the pipe) is inside the body of the child class. public class BarContext : FooContext { | } I type "override" and press tab to view a list of methods in FooContext which I can override. "Context" is one of the options, so I select that. public class BarContext : FooContext { protected override void Context() { ...

How to disable an specific feature of ReSharper 5.x

I'm use ReSharper 5.x which have a feature when i hold Ctrl and hover mouse over Class or methods (Or anything into codes), an underline is shown and when i click, ReSharper automatically opens code-file of that class or method (Function exactly like Go to Reference in Visual Studio code files context menu item). How i can disable this ...

Can I make R# intellisense select the first list item?

I'm using ReSharper 5.1 in VS2010, and I've been annoyed by the intellisense behavior for quite a while. It seems this is different since R# 4.5/VS2008, but I don't have that combo handy to verify. Let's say I'm typing some code: ... public Guid teamId { get; set; } ... And later on I decide I want to make teamId a read-only propert...