
odd resharper indentation formatting for object intializers

For some strange reason when I have nested object intializers it always gets the last '}' wrong when doing "cleanup code" in resharper 5. It is not indented at all as shown in the following example: namespace MyNameSpace { internal static class MyClass { static MyClass() { var bla = new Bla { Name ...

ReSharper wrapping test result stacktraces?

ReSharper 4.5's test runner will run MSTest tests out of the box, and that's what I'm doing. When a test fails, I click on the test to see the stacktrace and the failure reason. The pane I'm clicking in to do this is the "Unit Test Sessions" pane. The lower half of this pane (or the right half, if you have it configured that way) show...

Automate refactor import/using directives, using ReSharper and Visual Studio 2010

I want to automate the Visual Studio 2010 / Resharper 5 auto inserting import directives to put my internal namespaces into the namespace sphere. Like this: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using StructureMap; using MyProject.Core; // <--- Move inside. using MyProject.Core.Common; // <--- Mov...

Resharper doesn't play well with XAML?

I've been noticing a pattern with ReSharper (both 4.5 and 5). Very often (almost always) when I have solution-wide analysis turned on, and WPF code in my solution, ReSharper will mark a number of the .xaml.cs files as being broken. When I navigate to the file, sometimes it magically updates and displays no errors, and other times I hav...

How to pull a method out of it's class (and into a new or exsisting)?

What is the easiest way of pulling an excisting method out of it's class and into a new class using Visual studio 2010 / Resharper? Edit: I use Resharper version 5. ...

resharper naming rules for xaml namespaces

In Resharper 5.0 when I use a type in XAML that I don not have a nampsace include for yet, it automatically adds the namespace as follows: xmlns:ViewModel="clr-namespace:MyNameSpace.ViewModel" How can I force it to use abreviations like this: xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:MyNameSpace.ViewModel" ...

Resharper vs. Coderush - 2010 remake

Refer to this post for discussions on previous versions. Asking the question again since Visual Studio 2010 has been officially released. Does anyone have any visibility this early on as to which is better? What about any other products that may be out there? This one will probably be on my dime, so I'd like the wisdom of those with exp...

Any way to surround code block with Curly Braces {} in VS2008?

I always find myself needing to enclose a block of code in curly braces { }, but unfortunately that isn't included in the C# surround code snippets, which seems to be an oversight. I couldn't find anything on building your own surround snippets either (just other kinds of snippets). I am actually running Resharper too, but it doesn't...

Moving from CodeRush to ReSharper (or vice-versa). Any resources/help for making the transition?

I've been using CodeRush with Refactor! Pro for a while, but I'm considering moving to ReSharper. Once I uninstalled CodeRush, I immediately began to miss some key features, including: navigating references using the Tab key, renaming variables, methods, etc. with the F2 key, basic refactorings such as Extract Method, etc. I'm sure ...

Suggestions for VS+Resharper keyboard shortcuts on a Mac

I just upgraded to a Macbook Pro as my development machine but still primarily develop .Net applications with Visual Studio and Resharper (via VMWare Fusion). By far, the biggest obstacle I'm running into is getting used to the keyboard layout change (ex. not being able to do ALT-Insert). Do any of you Windows-on-Mac veterans have any su...

Resharper - runs all unit tests (cannot run a single unit test only using Ctrl +R, T )

I cannot run/debug only a single unit test using Ctrl + R, T after installing Resharper 5 (used to be able to do that before). It now runs all of my unit tests. Any idea what is going on? ...

Keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio/Resharper tooltips?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to display tooltips provided by Visual Studio & Resharper when you hover over a bit of code? I'm already aware of Quick Documentation (Ctrl-Q) and Quick Watch (Ctrl-Alt-Q). ...

Help configuring MSpec

rig: win7 64bit, vs2010, mvc v2, TestDriven.Net 3.0, Reshaper 5.0, MSpec 0.3 i recently started a new project and want to use mspec. (1) copied Machine.Specifications.ReSharperRunner.5.0.dll and Machine.Specifications.dll to JetBrains\ReSharper\5.0\Bin\Plugins\Machine.Specifications (2) copied Machine.Specifications.TDNetRunner.dll to...

ReSharper breaks keyboard shortcuts for "Find" and "Find in Files"

I have been using ReSharper for some time and since I can remember every time I install Resharper, it's default keyboard shortcuts override Visual Studio's CTRL + F and CTRL + SHIFT + F for "Find" and "File in Files". It happend with R#3, 4, 5 in VS 2005, 2008 and 2010. I don't have any ideas why would that be a good idea, but if this ...

Resharper Warnings with MVVM

As I implement the MVVM pattern with WPF, I'm finding that Resharper is often warning me that certain properties are never used in my ViewModels. The problem is that they are being used, but only by the data binding system. Has anyone else encountered this annoyance and is there a way to help Resharper realize that these properties are...

Is there a method/function list feature in Resharper?

With R# is there a way to view/nav the set of methods in the current class? I know you can use VS' native top-right drop-down but I'd like a shortcut. This seems like an obvious feature for R# as it's something I miss most in VS compared to other programmer's editors. Thanks, Matt (ps. sorry if this post appears twice but first attem...

Using MSpec runner in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4

Hi Everyone, I'm a big fan of MSpec so naturally I wanted to use is right away with VS2010 as well. I have the MSpec runner defined as an external tool in Visual Studio to be able to have it always visible as a toolbar item. Anyway, whenever I try to use the MSpec runner (mspec.exe) with a .NET 4.0 solution I get the following error: ...

Make resharper show the options of an enum in a live template?

I'm traying to create the following resharper live template: Using New Tracer($EXPR$) $END$ End Using Currently $EXPR$ is currently "Suggest variable of " What I'm trying to do is that this whould show me for example a dropdown with the options of MyEnum and then after selecting goes to $END$ Is this possible? ...

Using VS Code Snippets with Resharper

I am trying to use Code Contract's Code Snippets but since I turned Resharper back on it doesn't recognize them. On the other hand, it is recognizing some snippets I've implemented myself in the past. Any ideia of what might be the problem? I'm specifically trying to use cr and ce, which I think, don't collide with any other snippets (a...

VS2010 + Resharper 5 performance issues

I have been using VS2010 with Resharper 5 for several weeks and am having a performance issue. Sometimes when typing, the cursor will lag and the keystrokes won't show instantaneously. Also, scrolling will lag at times. There is a forum thread started and JetBrains has been responding. Several people (including myself) have added their...