
Resharper Ruleset, can we share them?

I work in a small dev team and we've recently acquired Resharper. Is it possible to configure Resharper's ruleset (e.g. Disabling resharper from wanting to rename everything to "var" ) on one machine and distribute that ruleset amongst all the developers? Thanks ...

Replacing all usages of a method (Introduce Indirection)

I am generally not very fond of refactoring tools. No need to get into details. Still, I occasionally try out new versions. Here is what I was trying to do while evaluating resharper 4.5 : I needed to replace all usages of a method with a wrapper method (to be created) but I could not. I usually suck at noticing an obvious feature, is t...

Resharper: how to force introducing new private fields at the bottom of the class?

Resharper offers a very useful introduce and initialize field xxx action when you specify a new parameter in a constructor like: Constructor (int parameter) The only (minor) nuisance is that it puts the new field at the beginning of the class - and I'm a fan of putting private parts as far away as possible from the prying eyes of stra...

QuickWatch window intellisense problem

Hi, I use ReSharper but I cannot use intellisense on the QuickWatch window. Resharper disables this feature. Do you know any solution? Thank you. ...

Question about auto-complete with ReSharper, and new XYZ() intellisense

I have a problem with a newly installed Visual Studio 2008 (new pc) and ReSharper 4.5. Edit: Issue opened at: I have the following code: public static TValue GetOrCreate<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key) where TValue: new() { #region Parameter...

which one to choose? DXCore, Resharper or VSX?

I want to write a visual studio addon to do some code modifications for me (like some specific refactoring). I was wondering which one of these tools should I use and why? we have licenses for resharper, the other two are free and this is an internally used software, so we don't need to worry about licensing. ...

Move a list of source files with classes inside to another folder and automatically change namespace

Hello, Let's say I have 100 winforms in folder Forms. All form classes belong to ProjectName.Forms namespace. I want to move all those forms to folder WinForms and I want their namespace to change to ProjectName.WinForms. Is there a way to do this automatically without manually changing each form's namespace? I have a Resharper, but di...

Transfer all ReSharper Settings between PCs

I was wondering if there is a way to copy ALL my settings from ReSharper (including the StyleCop for ReSharper settings and the keyboard bindings I have set for ReSharper) from one PC to another? ...

How do I disable plugins from command line on visual studio?

Resharper is killing me for some reason on startup, I just need to get in, is there a command line switch for load without addins? ...

Not finding the metadata window (F12) when using Resharper

When I hit F12 (or right-click and select Go To Definition) in Visual Studio on code I don't have the source for, it should bring up a generated metadata file. (Very similar to the Code Definition Window) This doesn't work when ReSharper (R#) is installed. After R# is installed, the Object Browser opens instead. I've had this problem...

How to easiest rename|apply naming style for all member in my class|namespace

We have started using Resharper 4.5 and the naming style functionality that comes with it. There is some tedious work applying the naming styles. What I would whould like is to apply my naming styles or part of it as a part of my Code cleanup profile. Any1 know how to do it, or atleast a less tedious job than spaming + PgDown, + + ...

Resharper on VS2010 ?

Did anybody get resharper 4.5 working on V2010 ? ...

Visual Studio Snippets - How to specify foreach loop's collection

When using the Visual Studio shortcut/snippets is it possible to specify the collection in advance/automagically, rather than fill in the green boxes afterwards? In this case, I'm trying to come up with something like the following with the fewest possible number of keystrokes: foreach (ListItem item in ListBox1.Items) { // } For...

Resharper always suggesting me to make const string instead of string.

which one is good: string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM table"; or const string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM table"; And why resharper always suggest me to do this? ...

If you had to create something like ReSharper, where would you start?

If you had to create a plugin like ReSharper for Visual Studio, where would you start? (not talking about each and every feature, but I am trying to just get a skeleton of it going). ...

Use "convert to auto property" on multiple properties at once

I find myself using Resharper's "convert to auto property" refactoring a lot to remove pre C# 3.0 boilerplate code. Is there a way I can apply this to all properties in a single class at once? ...

ReSharper - Possible Null Assignment when using Microsoft.Contracts

Is there any way to indicate to ReSharper that a null reference won't occur because of Design-by-Contract Requires checking? For example, the following code will raise the warning (Possible 'null' assignment to entity marked with 'NotNull' attribute) in ReSharper on lines 7 and 8: private Dictionary<string, string> _Lookup = new Dictio...

Running Resharper code analysis outside of Visual Studio

Resharper includes various analysis rules which can be run on your solution from inside Visual Studio but is it possible to run these from say the commandline or as part of your autobuild? Resharper seems to be focused on running in Visual Studio but can it be invoked on solution or project files from outside the IDE? ...

How to strip out robo-comments and #region from C#?

I've got some code I'm maintaining that has a good deal of machine generated comments and machine generated regions. (or created by a particularly misled developer) These are comments exclusively repeating the method metadata and space expansions of pascal cased names: #region methods /// <summary> /// Implementation of a public met...

Where can I find nice Dark ReSharper (with Color identifiers = on) Themes?

I haven't come across any decent dark Visual Studio 2008 color themes with support for ReSharper's Color identifiers turned on. Have any been published? ...