
Is the ViewBox the best thing to use to achieve resolution independence in WPF?

I'm developing an application that needs to be resolution independent. The application will always be full screen so I have to design my UI so that the monitor resolution will not impair the use of the application. I've been spending a good amount of time playing around with WPF trying to accomplish this. Today I found out about the View...

Flex : Cross resolution applications

What is the best way to create applications in Flex/AIR, which look and feel the same irrespective of the screen resolution? ...

Resolution Independent Control Size

Hi, I am developing a program for converting videos for mobiles for eg converting mkv,avi,flv,ogg file to mp4 files.I have to display a preview window which should have the mobile specific dimension for eg. Sony Ericsson has 176 pixels x 220 pixels. My screen resolution is 1600x900 and when I change to some other resolution say 1024x76...

HTML/CSS: What should I use to define image height/width to make it resolution independent?

I've read all over the Internet that I should not define fonts (or anything) with absolute pixel height/width/size and instead, use EM ... so that on higher resolution displays, my web site can scale appropriately. However, what do I use to define IMAGE height/width ... because images won't scale well (they look pixelated) UPDATE: To ...

I have a page that contains both Flex and HTML at the same time. How do I make it cross resolution?

Hey guys, In one of my pages, I use a Flex 4 app in a column on the left, and then normal HTML in a column to the right. Is there anyway I can make it so that the ratio between the two columns is the same no matter the resolution? Thanks for reading. ...

Is it bad to work with pixels in CSS?

Is it bad in terms of compatibility to use pixel numbers in CSS instead of percentages? How about lower resolutions? Is it okay to work with them in ranges of 1-100? ...

How to control multiple function for one object? (How to make readable code for multiple resolution?)

I wanna refactoring my code. Now, this function is very mass cause it modified and modified several years to support multiple resolutions & multiple concept of UI design. So, one function for display has over then 10K lines. It need to be refactoring. At first, I've concern about seperate functions for each resolution and UI design typ...

tips on developing resolution independent application

Is it a good practice to find the workarea measurement and set some properties in code so that it could be bound to Control's margin or height/Width properties in xaml? I do this so that my window would resize according to the available workarea. const int w = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width; const int h = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Hei...

Distinguish between panning and normal screen modes in code - Windows

Hello. I am writing a full-screen 3D game and I have created a menu in which the user may select the screen resolution to match his hardware capacity. I am enumerating all the available screen modes with EnumDisplaySettingsExA like this : std::vector<DEVMODEA> modes; DEVMODEA modeInfo; int modeNum = -1; while (EnumDispl...

Finding out how many lines can be displayed in wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl without scrolling

I'm writing an e-book reader in Python + wxPython, and I'd like to find out how many lines of text can be displayed in a given RichTextCtrl with the current formatting without scrolling. I thought of using and dividing the control's height by RichTextCtrl.GetFont().GetPixelSize(), but it appears that the pixel size parameter of wx.Font...

My vector sprite renders in different locations in simulator and device

I'm implementing a subclass of UIView that displays a gauge dial with a sprite for the indicator. It has angle property that I can vary to make the needle point to different angles. It works, but on the same values for the position of the needle make it show up in different locations on the phone and the simulator. It's an iPhone 4, s...