
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::resolve() blocks forever...

I'm trying to create something similar as this code found at the boost.asio examples. socket.h: class some_class { private: ... boost::asio::io_service io_service; public: some_class() { /* This stuff isn't used in the example... ...but it doesn't change anything... */ io_ser...

Replication Custom resolver changes empty strings to NULLs

We have an C# application which posts to a database which is replicated to another database (using merge-replication) and has one custom resolver which is a stored procedure. This was working fine under SQL Server 2000 , but when testing under SQL Server 2005 the custom resolver is attempting to change any empty varchar columns to be n...

Spring redirect: prefix issue

Hello, I have an application which uses Spring 3. I have a view resolver which builds my views based on a String. So in my controllers I have methods like this one. @RequestMapping(...) public String method(){ //Some proccessing return "tiles:tileName" } I need to return a RedirectView to solve the duplicate submission due to upd...

How to get an Artifact download URL via Maven API?

I'm trying to create a maven plugin to generate a file with the URL to all the dependencies in a project. I have been able to get the dependencies and their artifact, but I'm having trouble getting the download URL. Using ArtifactResolver and ArtifactMetadataSource I get some of the artifact information. However I fail to get all the in...

boost::asio hangs in resolver service destructor after throwing out of io_service::run()

I'm using a fairly simple boost::asio set-up, where I call from the main thread. I have a tcp resolver, and use async resolve to look up an address. When that look-up fails, I throw an exception inside the asynchronous callback. I catch this exception outside the run() call, inside the main function. I then call stop() o...

Is res_query thread-safe?

Is res_query (int res_query(const char *dname, int class, int type,unsigned char *answer, int anslen);) thread-safe? I think so, because it writes its answer to an user-allocated buffer (in contrast to gethostbyname that uses a statically allocated buffer). Does somebody know for sure? ...

In Grails, how do I specify jars needed by an ivy resolver?

In a grails project I have added a custom ivy resolver per the reference docs, . However, this resolver requires jsch and and some other jars. How can I put them on the project's build classpath so that ivy will use them? This is my BuildConfig.groovy gra...