
Convert a Visual Studio resource file to a text file?

I know there are tools to get text files to resource files for Visual Studio. But I want to get the text from my resource files to a text file so they can be translated. Or is there a better way to do this? ...

Visual Studio 2008 resource editor is annoying with PNG's

I have a resource DLL project in VS2008 that contains mostly PNG images. Every time I import a new image to the resource file, I get an RC2170 error: bitmap file is not 3.0 format, for every PNG that was previously in the resource file. Thing is, all of those iamges have complied ok before I add the new image. Only after I remove all of...

Programmatically change resource file language (resx) in Code Behind.

I have a .Net application in C# and I have a file structure something like: App_LocalResources - MyPage.aspx.resx - MyPage.aspx MyPage.aspx.cs I am trying to programatically change the language which tells the application which resx file to use. I want to do this in the code behind file (MyPage.aspx.cs). I have ...

Mac Resource editor in Snow Leopard?

I have some OLD programs that I'm mantaining. They still use resource files with resource forks, and all that hideousness. My co-worker uses a 10.3 box that can still run mac classic programs and RezEdit. I used to use ReSorcerer, but it doesn't seem to work very will in 10.6. Does anyone have any recommendations for programs to us...

How do I stop Visual C++ from using local machine locale settings in MFC .rc file generation?

When editing a resource in the Visual Studio resource view, I find that a lot of locale specific information is added to generated rc file. The locale information added is specific to whatever locale my machine is running at the time. It appears to be a project specific setting, because I don't have the same issue with other projects in ...