
.NET Resource Leak Gotchas

There are several ways that developers can get caught out by unintentional resource leaks in .NET. I thought it would be useful to gather them in one place. Please add yours with one answer per item, so the best get voted up :) ...

Is KillTimer necessary?

Hi All! I use SetTimer API and I see a lot of code like this: case WM_DESTROY: // Destroy the timer. KillTimer(hwnd, IDT_TIMER); PostQuitMessage(0); break; Do I have to call KillTimer or the system will automatically free resources on the process exit? Does forgetting to call KillTimer lead to resource leaks? I u...

Where was handle allocated?

I am wondering if it is possible to use WinDbg to kwown the callstack that lead to the allocation of a handle. For example: #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout << "Press ENTER to leak handles." << endl; _getch(); cout << "Leaking ha...

COM:Can i call CoUninitialize without calling Release?

Hey Folks, I have a doubt. I initialize COM, do CoCreateInstance and use some interfaces.Can I call CoUninitialize without calling Release? Does it cause any memory/resource leak? Thanks in Advance, -Mani. ...

WebBrowser control resource leak

I'm working on a .NET application that loads web pages using multiple WebBrowser controls. There are several threads and WebBrowser controls involved (this is a server application), each thread creating a WebBrowser control and running a message loop for it. My question/issue is related to the WebBrowser control. Every time a web page i...

Why is java.lang.ThreadLocal a map on Thread instead on the ThreadLocal?

Naively, I expected a ThreadLocal to be some kind of WeakHashMap of Thread to the value type. So I was a little puzzled when I learned that the values of a ThreadLocal is actually saved in a map in the Thread. Why was it done that way? I would expect that the resource leaks associated with ThreadLocal would not be there if the values are...

Hunting down EOutOfResources.

Question: Is there an easy way to get a list of types of resources that leak in a running application? IOW by connecting to an application ? I know memproof can do it, but it slows down so much that the application won't even last a minute. Most taskmanager likes can show the number, but not the type. It is not a problem that the ch...

Do I need to call Close() on a ManualResetEvent?

I've been reading up on .NET Threading and was working on some code that uses a ManualResetEvent. I have found lots of code samples on the internet. However, when reading the documentation for WaitHandle, I saw the following: WaitHandle implements the Dispose pattern. See Implementing Finalize and Dispose to Clean Up Unmanaged ...

Does DataAdapter.Fill() close its connection when an Exception is thrown?

Hi, I am using ADO.NET (.NET 1.1) in a legacy app. I know that DataAdapter.Fill() opens and closes connections if the connection hasn't been opened manually before it's given to the DataAdapter. My question: Does it also close the connection if the .Fill() causes an Exception? (due to SQL Server cannot be reached, or whatever). Does it ...

debugging a resource leak in a printer driver

I'm trying to debug a memory leak in a printer driver. I'm pretty sure it's a resource leak, not just a plain memory leak because analyzing heap with !heap -s in windbg doesn't show any increase. How do I monitor other kinds of objects with windbg? Number of GDI objects and open handles is not growing either, so what could it be? The...

Hundreds of custom UserControls create thousands of USER Objects

I'm creating a dashboard application that shows hundreds of "items" on a FlowLayoutPanel. Each "item" is a UserControl that is made up of 12 or labels. My app queries a database and then creates an "item" instance for each record, populating ethe labels and textboxes with data before adding it to the FlowLayoutPanel. After adding abou...

Diagnosing Cause of 100% CPU Usage by "System" Process

I have a Windows server application, implemented in C++ using the Win32 API, that does a lot of serial and TCP/IP communication. As it runs, CPU usage gradually increases, until it reaches 100%. Task Manager indicates that most (>75%) of the CPU usage is by the "System" process. If I kill my server process, then CPU usage returns to n...