
c++ deduction of "non type pointer to function" class template parameters

Consider a template class like: template<typename ReturnType, ReturnType Fn()> class Proxy { void run() { ReturnType ret = Fn(); // ... do something ... } }; // and a functions int fn1() { return 5; } float fn2() { return 5; } This can be instantiated by using: Proxy<int, &fn1> p1; But explicitly declaring th...

Difference between std::result_of and decltype

I have some trouble understanding the need for std::result_of in C++0x. If I understood correctly, result_of is used to obtain the resulting type of invoking a function object with certain types of parameters. For example: template <typename F, typename Arg> typename std::result_of<F(Arg)>::type invoke(F f, Arg a) { return f(a); } ...

How do I determine the return type of a given array type's subscript operator with boost?

What type signature would I need to use if I'd like to determine the type returned by an array (T)'s subscript operator using boost? Note that the arrays for which I would be using this do not contain typedefs and are third-party. Example. I want to determine that: SomeArray<int> tmp(1); int& somevalue = tmp[0]; //would equate ty...