
Django calling a function that returns a value doesn't work

Hello I;m having a problem in calling a function that returns a result, from another function To make it clear, my functiona are: def calculate_questions_vote(request): useranswer = Answer.objects.filter (answer_by = request.user) positive_votes = VoteUpAnswer.objects.filter(answer = useranswer) negative_votes = VoteDownAns... Module returning data like a function

How could I call a module or something else to return data to me after its ran. I don't want to make my form1 code all messy. Thanks! Example by what I mean return: Public Function Test() As String Return "Tes34t" End Function Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ...

return nothing from non-void function in C

what is considered best practice in the following snippet: int foo(struct data *bar, struct info bla) { if (!bar) { bla->status = 0; return; } ... } in fact, it works fine. but i'm feeling uncomfortable with gcc giving me a warning. here is the actual code: static int pop(struct stack **stack, struct in...

Return boolean value through multiple functions

I have some Javascript code that needs to end with either a true or false value being returned. However, when the true/false value is computed, the original value has passed through multiple functions, like so: var txt = 'foo' function one(txt) { if(txt == 'foo') { two(txt); } } function two(txt) { if(txt == 'foo') { three(txt); } }...

Writing jQuery plugins: how to set up callback to terminate plugin execution when false returned

Hello, I'm writing a jQuery plugin that has a couple of callbacks, and am at the point where I need to allow one of the callbacks to run. The callback in question is 'beforeListItemSelect', so naturally I'd like the plugin code after the callback to not run if the callback function returns false. So the following is a section of my plug...

jQuery : return this

Hello, In jQuery plugins, every time we return an object of jQuery, like $.fn.Myplugin = function() { return this.each(function() { //do some stuff }); }); My doubt is, why do we actually return an object of jQuery and where are we going to use this returned object Though I don't return any jQuery object in my function(plugin...

Java return arrays

I'm having trouble returning arrays from a custom method. It compiles fine but I get back: [Ljava.lang.String;@20cf2c80 Press any key to continue . . . I use: System.out.println(getItem(1)); code: public static String[] getItem(int e) { String[] stats = new String[7]; String name = "Null"; String desc = ...

jquery height() problem.

This has been driving me mad someone help coz i don't seem to see where the problem is. <div id="parent"> <div id="child"></div> </div> <script> $('#parent').height(300) $('#child').height($('#child').parent().height()-10); //EDITTED LINE </script> the above is the logic of what i need to do. I check the html tag of "#parent...

How to get return value from javascript in webview of android ?

Hi every one, I want to get a return value from javascript in android. With Iphone, i can do it, but Android, i can't. I use loadUrl but return void not object. Anybody help me ? Thanks ...

Why is returning false with onSubmit reloading?

I know this probably staring me in the face but: I have a basic for with a for header of: <form onSubmit="return validateClinicalReports();" name="clinicalreport" method="post" action="process.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> the js looks at each input using: document.getElementById("name"). If it sees that the input is blank it c...

PHP String Parsing Strip *First* enter/return space from form textarea

How do you strip the first (before any visible text) enter/return space from text taken from a variable (submitted from a textarea)? ...

How to Exit a Method without Exiting the Program?

I am still pretty new to C# and am having a difficult time getting used to it compared to C/CPP. How do you exit a function on C# without exiting the program like this function would? if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox1.Text == String.Empty || textBox1.TextLength == 0) textBox3.Text += "[-] Listbox is Empty!!!!\r\n"; System.Enviro...

New Function: How to iterate through all form elements before returning true or false

Hi there, I have a new function that I will be calling when the submit button is pressed for the form. I'm trying to use this validation, not a plug-in, for experience. How would I iterate through all the forms, determine if they're all valid, before exiting out of the function. Though if they're all valid, return true and continue, othe...

how to "return an object" in C++

Hello, I know the title sounds familiar as there are many similar questions, but I'm asking for a different aspect of the problem (I know the difference between having things on the stack and putting them on the heap). In Java I can always return references to "local" objects public Thing calculateThing() { Thing thing = new Thing(...

Procedure resuming even after the error

Below is my procedure in SQL Server 2005 PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ProjectBackup_Insert] @prj_id bigint AS BEGIN DECLARE @MSG varchar(200) DECLARE @TranName varchar(200) DECLARE @return_value int -- 1. Starting the transaction begin transaction @TranName -- 2. Insert the records SET IDENTITY_I...

Return string of html with an embedded php echo statement

Hi there, I'm attempting to return a string of html with an some php code within the html and I'm experiencing a bit of difficulty doing so. Example below: return '//bunch of html here <div id="test"> <?php if (isset($_COOKIE[\"cannycookie\"])) { echo "<a class=\"reply\" href=\"#\" id=\"deletelink-'.$d['id'].'\">Delete</a>...

Program compiles with and without return 0

Possible Duplicate: What should main() return in C/C++? This is a pretty basic question, I guess. I've been programming for a year now but a friend of mine surprised me with a rather stupefying question. Programs that start with 'int main()' on C++ seem to compile perfectly even with 'return 0;' removed and not replaced by a...

Dynamic/Anonymous type, returning anonymous types!

this is not a question as i think its discussion, i know you cant return an anonymous type across methods, when i first used anonymous types i thought it would be really nice to be able to return it across methods and when .net 4 came out and with the edition of the dynamic types i thought there might be a hope in returning an anonymous ...

what should I return from server side code in an ajax call

Hi guys. Lets say i have a ajax method which call a script that checks if a user exists in the database. What is best to be returned from the server side code?. Should I Just make an echo "notfound" and then compare the response in the javascript, return a json object or any other suggestion? ...

How to wait for a variable to return before the next function starts

I have a simple function1 that does a http request to a google api and returns the $result. I then have another function2 that, if $result isset, should use $result to do some computing and then return $finalresult. . My problem is that the call to the google api takes a couple of seconds and by the time $result is returned by function1...