
Is there an SQL Server equivalent to Oracle's RETURNING statement?

Is there an SQL Server equivalent to Oracle's RETURNING statement? I'm wondering if the OUTPUT clause would help. ...

PL/SQL How return all attributes in ROW

Hi I don't know how I can return all attributes with the RETURNING clause I want something like this: DECLARE v_user USER%ROWTYPE BEGIN INSERT INTO User VALUES (1,'Bill','QWERTY') RETURNING * INTO v_user; END; RETURNING * INTO gets an error , how can I replace * ? Have you any idea ? Thanks for yo...

In postgresql return result of a function in a rule when performing INSERT INTO RETURNING

I have a View that has several fields. When i INSERT INTO a view I run a function based on INSERT parametrs. The function returns a value. How can I retrieve The value from rule? INSERT RETURNING Gives me: ERROR: cannot perform INSERT RETURNING on relation "full_subntes" HINT: You need an unconditional ON INSERT DO INSTEAD rule wi...

Collection should return null or empty upon a Db load ending with no records found?

Hi, If you have a method that queries the Db and returns a collection populated with the records found, what should be returned upon no records found? A new collection with .Count == 0 or null Is there any consensus on this? Or returning null and returning an empty collection should have different meanings? Thanks ...

Variable value assignment using RETURNING clause

I try to do this, but it's a syntax error, what am I doing wrong? declare myid := insert into oameni values(default,'lol') returning id; my table: create table oameni ( id serial primary key, name varhcar(10) ); ...

Returning 2 values from a function | PHP

Is it possible for you to return two values when calling a function that would output the values, for example, I have this: <?php function ids($uid = 0, $sid = '') { $uid = 1; $sid = md5(time()); return $uid; return $sid; } echo ids(); ?> Which will output 1, I want to chose what to ouput, e.g. ids($sid), but i...

(Solved) How to return autoincrement value in insert query in SQLite?

In my project I use System.Data.SQLite. Database has table Tags, which contains autoincrement primary field ID (type Integer). When I write: using (SQLiteCommand command = conn.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "insert into Tags(name) values(@name) returning into @id"; command.Parameters.Add("@id", DbType.Int32).Direction =...

No "add esp,4" for virtual functions returning std::string

I've been looking at DynObj and decided to do my own experimentation with vftables. I'm working with Visual Studio 2010 and created a console main that instantiates an object with a virtual function that returns an std::string. The test code in main attempts to call the object's public virtual function using a pointer obtained from the...