
return generic type from generic function

we have a function more or less like the following. however we currently return List which in function bla() would return List<Bar> at runtime. I'm looking for a way to make both List<Interface> = toubleFuction(foo, bar.getCLass());; and List<Bar> = toubleFuction(foo, bar.getCLass());; possible. basicaly i want it to return List ...

objective-c delegate

Hello, i working with geocoding at the moment. The geocoding service allways works with delegates. So let's say, I've got a AskingClass and AnsweringClass(geocoding) The AskingClass calls a function in the AnsweringClass to return the adress of the current location. AnsweringClass should handle and capsulate the geocoding stuff. My ...

.NET ParameterizedThreadStart wrong return type

Hello, I just started experimenting with Threads and I ran in to a problem I'm not able to solve on my own. I get the error: Error 1 'bool projekt.ftp.UploadFil (object)' has the wrong return type I use this code to start a thread using the method ftp.Uploadfile: Thread ftpUploadFile = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ftp.Upl...