
How to elegantly handle ReturnUrl when using UrlRewrite in ASP.NET 2.0 WebForms

I have a folder with multiple .aspx pages that I want to restrict access to. I have added web.config to that folder with <deny users="?"/>. The problem is that ReturnUrl is auto-generated with physical path to the .aspx file while I'm using UrlRewrite. Is there a way to manipulate ReturnUrl without doing manual authentication check a...

Disable the Return URL in Form Authentication

In our website, we add a log whenever a user logs in. Now we add the log just before it goes to the home page. But, suppose when the user is not logged in and try to hit any url other than the home page or default page. At that case the ReturnUrl is that page in login page. So, after the login it goes to the requested page instead of hom...

create manually parameter ReturnUrl

i have view like 'home/details/5', it can be access by anonymous user. but there is button, which can be pressed only by registered users. no problem, i can look into Request.IsAuthenticated , and if anonymous i show button login instead of secret button but the problem- when press login i can lose address and parameters of page. how ca...

ReturnUrl = Default.aspx for MVC?

I'm trying to secure my entire MVC site, so before the Home controller, I added an [Authorize] attribute. Now if you run it from Visual Studio or navigate using the root URL (e.g. http://localhost:2897) it does redirect to the login page, as expected. However the URL in the address bar after redirection looks like this: http://localhos...

ASP.Net MVC ReturnUrl Practice

I have a question about the returnUrl querystring parameter that is appended by ASP.Net when attempted to hit a page that requires authentication. In looking at Microsoft NerdDinner Sample's LogOn action (along with every other 'sample authentication code' I see on the 'net), it just has the ReturnUrl parameter declared in the action's ...

I have a Login Control.Even after successful Login it does not redirects to destination page.

I have a ASP.NET Login Control with Forms authentication.Even after successful Login it does not redirects to destination page.But it uses returnURL and stays at same Login page.How to make Login Control to redirect to specified destination page? ...