
Apache RewriteRule with RewriteMap

I've got a RewriteMap that looks like this: Guide 1 Mini-Guide 2 White Paper 3 and I'm including it into Apache via RewriteMap legacy txt:/var/www/site/var/rewrite_map.txt I want to create a RewriteRule that will allow only values from the left side of said RewriteMap to be in this position; RewriteRule ^/sectio...

mod_rewrite send everything not matched to a rewritemap

Hi, I have an htaccess file which begins with the regular stuff: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d then has a few rewrites eg: RewriteRule ^protect/?$ /Legal/Your-Financial-Protection.aspx [NC, L, R=301] then ends with a rewritemap: RewriteMap map txt:rewritemap...

rewritemap not matching

Hi I'm having trouble with my rewritemap not matching things: RewriteMap map txt:rewritemaps\map.txt [NC] RewriteCond ${map:$1|NOT_FOUND} !NOT_FOUND [NC] RewriteRule ^(.+)$ ${map:$1} [NC, R=301] The map has about 4,500 entries, including: arctic /Destinations/Polar-Regions/The-Arctic.aspx My RewriteLog, set to level 9, logs: i...

Mod_ReWrite / ReWriteMap a URL using a database lookup script

The Scenario I have completely rewritten an old existing ASP classic ecommerce website over to PHP. The database design of the previous site had alot of relational ID problems causing troublesome linking of product data rows to other tables in the database. To get around this I also redesigned the database, giving products new Primary ...

mod_rewrite causes apache to crash with Rewritemap prg directive

Apache configuration: RewriteEngine on RewriteLock /var/www/lib/rewrite.lock RewriteMap sessionValid prg:/var/www/lib/allow.php I fixed the obvious of setting the file executable, but now it is giving this: [Fri Feb 12 01:55:31 2010] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of '/var/www/lib/allow.php' failed But the file clearly...

RewriteMap not working in mod-rewrite

I have been trying to do simple maping with RewriteMap directive in my htaccess, but for some reason i am getting error 500 everytime. my syntax is .. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteMap name2id txt:nklist.txt RewriteRule ^/name/(.*) /name_list_view.php?kid=${name2id:$1|NOTFOUND} in nklist.txt : 1 Da...

Basic Static-to-Static Rewrite (or Redirect) via htaccess or httpd.conf

We are moving from one site language/CMS (coldfusion/custom) to another (PHP/Drupal) and need to have some of our old pages redirected to new ones. I have access to both the .htaccess and httpd.conf (and apache2.conf) as this is a vps on Linode. Most of them cannot be done via regular expression (they contain GUIDs in the URL) and we're...

Apache mod_rewrite: RewriteMap directive using PHP script on Windows machine

This has been driving me insane. I can't seem to get the RewriteMap directive to work for a php script on windows. Here is the relevant snippet from my httpd.conf file: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteMap router "prg:C:/dev/web/www/routing.php" RewriteRule (.*) ${router:$1} </IfModule> My simpl...

use RewriteMap in htaccess file

How can i use RewriteMap directive in htaccess file? When i put it there i get "RewriteMap not allowed here" error. I know this error will disappear when put it in httpd.conf or virtualhost configuration file. But i want to know is it possible to put it in htaccess or not? ...

apache rewrite map redirect to 404

My Situation: I implemented an apache Rewrite Map to redirect incoming requests based on a database RewriteEngine On RewriteMap dbapp prg:/usr/local/somewhere/dbapp.rb RewriteRule ^/(pattern)$ ${dbapp:$1} [R] So far everything works fine, but I want to decide in the dbapp.rb script weather to redirect or give the client a http-sta...

is restarting apache service needed with any changes to rewritemap file?

I am using a perl script file as a map file in RewriteMap directive. As i read the apache load the script once at the beginning, So is it needed to reload or restart apache after any changes to this script file? ...